Pan-evolutionary and regulatory genome architecture delineated by an integrated macro-and microsynteny approach

H Yu, Y Li, W Han, L Bao, F Liu, Y Ma, Z Pu, Q Zeng… - Nature …, 2024 -
The forthcoming massive genome data generated by the Earth BioGenome Project will open
up a new era of comparative genomics, for which genome synteny analysis provides an …

Life in the dark: phylogenetic and physiological diversity of chemosynthetic symbioses

EM Sogin, M Kleiner, C Borowski… - Annual Review of …, 2021 -
Possibly the last discovery of a previously unknown major ecosystem on Earth was made
just over half a century ago, when researchers found teaming communities of animals …

Ancient homomorphy of molluscan sex chromosomes sustained by reversible sex-biased genes and sex determiner translocation

W Han, L Liu, J Wang, H Wei, Y Li, L Zhang… - Nature Ecology & …, 2022 -
Contrary to classic theory prediction, sex-chromosome homomorphy is prevalent in the
animal kingdom but it is unclear how ancient homomorphic sex chromosomes avoid …

[HTML][HTML] Same (sea) bed different dreams: Biological community structure of the Haima seep reveals distinct biogeographic affinities

X He, T Xu, C Chen, X Liu, YX Li, Z Zhong… - The Innovation …, 2023 -
Deep-sea chemosynthetic communities, including hydrothermal vents and cold seeps,
harbour hundreds of endemic species currently threatened by deep-sea mining and …

Genomic Signatures Supporting the Symbiosis and Formation of Chitinous Tube in the Deep-Sea Tubeworm Paraescarpia echinospica

Y Sun, J Sun, Y Yang, Y Lan, JCH Ip… - Molecular Biology …, 2021 -
Vestimentiferan tubeworms are iconic animals that present as large habitat-forming
chitinized tube bushes in deep-sea chemosynthetic ecosystems. They are gutless and …

[HTML][HTML] Macro-ecology of cold seeps in the South China Sea

X Wang, H Guan, JW Qiu, T Xu, J Peckmann… - Geosystems and …, 2022 - Elsevier
After nearly 20 years of exploration, various areas of the seafloor with hydrocarbon seepage
have been discovered in the South China Sea (SCS). Through linking subsurface and …

A high-quality, haplotype-phased genome reconstruction reveals unexpected haplotype diversity in a pearl oyster

T Takeuchi, Y Suzuki, S Watabe, K Nagai… - DNA …, 2022 -
Homologous chromosomes in the diploid genome are thought to contain equivalent genetic
information, but this common concept has not been fully verified in animal genomes with …

Comparative analysis of the Mercenaria mercenaria genome provides insights into the diversity of transposable elements and immune molecules in bivalve mollusks

S Farhat, E Bonnivard, E Pales Espinosa, A Tanguy… - BMC genomics, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Background The hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria is a major marine resource
along the Atlantic coasts of North America and has been introduced to other continents for …

Multiple and diversified transposon lineages contribute to early and recent bivalve genome evolution

J Martelossi, F Nicolini, S Subacchi, D Pasquale… - BMC biology, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Background Transposable elements (TEs) can represent one of the major sources
of genomic variation across eukaryotes, providing novel raw materials for species …

Interactions among deep-sea mussels and their epibiotic and endosymbiotic chemoautotrophic bacteria: Insights from multi-omics analysis

YT Lin, T Xu, JCH Ip, Y Sun, L Fang, T Luan… - Zoological …, 2023 -
Endosymbiosis with Gammaproteobacteria is fundamental for the success of bathymodioline
mussels in deep-sea chemosynthesis-based ecosystems. However, the recent discovery of …