The exact rate-memory tradeoff for caching with uncoded prefetching
We consider a basic cache network, in which a single server is connected to multiple users
via a shared bottleneck link. The server has a database of files (content). Each user has an …
via a shared bottleneck link. The server has a database of files (content). Each user has an …
Characterizing the rate-memory tradeoff in cache networks within a factor of 2
We consider a basic caching system, where a single server with a database of N files (eg,
movies) is connected to a set of K users through a shared bottleneck link. Each user has a …
movies) is connected to a set of K users through a shared bottleneck link. Each user has a …
On the optimality of uncoded cache placement
Caching is an effective way to reduce peak-hour network traffic congestion by storing some
contents at user's local cache. Maddah-Ali and Niesen (MAN) initiated a fundamental study …
contents at user's local cache. Maddah-Ali and Niesen (MAN) initiated a fundamental study …
An index coding approach to caching with uncoded cache placement
Caching is an efficient way to reduce network traffic congestion during peak hours, by
storing some content at the user's local cache memory, even without knowledge of user's …
storing some content at the user's local cache memory, even without knowledge of user's …
Centralized coded caching schemes: A hypergraph theoretical approach
The centralized coded caching scheme is a technique proposed by Maddah-Ali and Niesen
as a method to reduce the network burden in peak times in a wireless network system. Yan …
as a method to reduce the network burden in peak times in a wireless network system. Yan …
Fog-aided wireless networks for content delivery: Fundamental latency tradeoffs
A fog-aided wireless network architecture is studied in which edge nodes (ENs), such as
base stations, are connected to a cloud processor via dedicated fronthaul links while also …
base stations, are connected to a cloud processor via dedicated fronthaul links while also …
Fundamental limits of coded caching: Improved delivery rate-cache capacity tradeoff
A centralized coded caching system, consisting of a server delivering N popular files, each
of size F bits, to K users through an error-free shared link, is considered. It is assumed that …
of size F bits, to K users through an error-free shared link, is considered. It is assumed that …
On coded caching with private demands
Caching is an efficient way to reduce network traffic congestion during peak hours by storing
some content at the user's local cache memory without knowledge of later demands. For the …
some content at the user's local cache memory without knowledge of later demands. For the …
Noisy broadcast networks with receiver caching
An erasure broadcast network is considered with two disjoint sets of receivers: a set of weak
receivers with all-equal erasure probabilities and equal cache sizes and a set of strong …
receivers with all-equal erasure probabilities and equal cache sizes and a set of strong …
On the optimality of D2D coded caching with uncoded cache placement and one-shot delivery
We consider a cache-aided wireless device-to-device (D2D) network of the type introduced
by Ji et al., where the placement phase is orchestrated by a central server. We assume that …
by Ji et al., where the placement phase is orchestrated by a central server. We assume that …