[HTML][HTML] State-of-The-Art application and challenges of optical fibre distributed acoustic sensing in civil engineering
Abstract Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology has rapidly gained prominence
across various applications. Integrating DAS with fibre-optic cables can bolster critical …
across various applications. Integrating DAS with fibre-optic cables can bolster critical …
GIS-based data-driven bivariate statistical models for landslide susceptibility prediction in Upper Tista Basin, India
Predicting landslides is becoming a crucial global challenge for sustainable development in
mountainous areas. This research compares the landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs) …
mountainous areas. This research compares the landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs) …
[HTML][HTML] A novel framework for addressing uncertainties in machine learning-based geospatial approaches for flood prediction
Globally, many studies on machine learning (ML)-based flood susceptibility modeling have
been carried out in recent years. While majority of those models produce reasonably …
been carried out in recent years. While majority of those models produce reasonably …
[HTML][HTML] Landslide susceptibility assessment in the Himalayan range based along Kasauli–Parwanoo road corridor using weight of evidence, information value, and …
The Himalayan region is prone to landslides. Rainfall-induced slope failure activities in the
Indian Himalaya cause considerable damage, posing a serious risk to life and property. This …
Indian Himalaya cause considerable damage, posing a serious risk to life and property. This …
Dynamic association of slope movements in the Uttarakhand Himalaya: a critical review on the landslide susceptibility assessment
Slope movement, the surface expressions as seated scars are the variety of surface
deformation mechanisms on the earth's outer crust. These slow-deformation mechanisms …
deformation mechanisms on the earth's outer crust. These slow-deformation mechanisms …
Multitemporal analysis of land subsidence induced by open-pit mining activity using improved combined scatterer interferometry with deep learning algorithm …
Mine operational safety is an important aspect of maintaining the operational continuity of a
mining area. In this study, we used the InSAR time series to analyze land surface changes …
mining area. In this study, we used the InSAR time series to analyze land surface changes …
[HTML][HTML] Integrating landslide typology with weighted frequency ratio model for landslide susceptibility map**: A case study from Lanzhou city of northwestern China
H Shu, Z Guo, S Qi, D Song, HR Pourghasemi, J Ma - Remote Sensing, 2021 - mdpi.com
Although numerous models have been employed to address the issue of landslide
susceptibility at regional scale, few have incorporated landslide typology into a model …
susceptibility at regional scale, few have incorporated landslide typology into a model …
High-Resolution lidar-derived DEM for landslide susceptibility assessment using AHP and fuzzy logic in Serdang, Malaysia
J Okoli, H Nahazanan, F Nahas, B Kalantar… - Geosciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
Landslide impact is potentially hazardous to an urban environment. Landslides occur at
certain slope levels over time and require practical slope analysis to assess the nature of the …
certain slope levels over time and require practical slope analysis to assess the nature of the …
Strategies for sampling pseudo-absences of landslide locations for landslide susceptibility map** in complex mountainous terrain of Northwest Himalaya
In the mountainous region of the world, landslides are a major issue that significantly
impacts the socioeconomic, infrastructure, livestock, and human lives. A landslide …
impacts the socioeconomic, infrastructure, livestock, and human lives. A landslide …
Performance assessment of the landslide susceptibility modelling using the support vector machine, radial basis function network, and weight of evidence models in …
Landslides in mountainous areas are one of the most important natural hazards and
potentially cause severe damage and loss of human life. In order to reduce this damage, it is …
potentially cause severe damage and loss of human life. In order to reduce this damage, it is …