Control of grain structure, phases, and defects in additive manufacturing of high-performance metallic components
The properties and serviceability of 3D-printed metal parts depend on a variety of attributes.
These include the chemical composition, phases, morphology, spatial distributions of grain …
These include the chemical composition, phases, morphology, spatial distributions of grain …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanistic models for additive manufacturing of metallic components
Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is gaining wide acceptance in
diverse industries for the manufacturing of metallic components. The microstructure and …
diverse industries for the manufacturing of metallic components. The microstructure and …
Metallurgy, mechanistic models and machine learning in metal printing
Additive manufacturing enables the printing of metallic parts, such as customized implants
for patients, durable single-crystal parts for use in harsh environments, and the printing of …
for patients, durable single-crystal parts for use in harsh environments, and the printing of …
In-situ experimental and high-fidelity modeling tools to advance understanding of metal additive manufacturing
Metal additive manufacturing has seen extensive research and rapidly growing applications
for its high precision, efficiency, flexibility, etc. However, the appealing advantages are still …
for its high precision, efficiency, flexibility, etc. However, the appealing advantages are still …
Microstructural control in metal laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing using laser beam sha** strategy
Additive manufacturing (AM) promises to revolutionize manufacturing by producing complex
parts with tailored mechanical properties through local microstructure control. The main …
parts with tailored mechanical properties through local microstructure control. The main …
[HTML][HTML] Towards develo** multiscale-multiphysics models and their surrogates for digital twins of metal additive manufacturing
Artificial intelligence (AI) embedded within digital models of manufacturing processes can be
used to improve process productivity and product quality significantly. The application of …
used to improve process productivity and product quality significantly. The application of …
Multiphysics multi-scale computational framework for linking process–structure–property relationships in metal additive manufacturing: a critical review
This review article provides a critical assessment of the progress made in computational
modelling of metal-based additive manufacturing (AM) with emphasis on its ability to predict …
modelling of metal-based additive manufacturing (AM) with emphasis on its ability to predict …
Pitting corrosion in 316L stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing: a review and perspective
Abstract 316L stainless steel (316L SS) is a flagship material for structural applications in
corrosive environments, having been extensively studied for decades for its favorable …
corrosive environments, having been extensively studied for decades for its favorable …
Modeling process–structure–property relationships in metal additive manufacturing: a review on physics-driven versus data-driven approaches
Metal additive manufacturing (AM) presents advantages such as increased complexity for a
lower part cost and part consolidation compared to traditional manufacturing. The multiscale …
lower part cost and part consolidation compared to traditional manufacturing. The multiscale …
Modeling of hierarchical solidification microstructures in metal additive manufacturing: Challenges and opportunities
Metal-based additive manufacturing (AM) processes often produce parts with improved
properties compared to conventional manufacturing and metal working routes. However …
properties compared to conventional manufacturing and metal working routes. However …