A review of additive manufacturing of metamaterials and develo** trends
The concept of metamaterials originates from the proposal of left-hand materials with
negative refractive index, followed by which, varieties of metamaterials with kinds of fantastic …
negative refractive index, followed by which, varieties of metamaterials with kinds of fantastic …
Acoustic metasurfaces
Acoustic metasurfaces derive their characteristics from the interaction between acoustic
waves and specifically designed materials. The field is driven by the desire to control …
waves and specifically designed materials. The field is driven by the desire to control …
Acoustic metamaterials: From local resonances to broad horizons
Within a time span of 15 years, acoustic metamaterials have emerged from academic
curiosity to become an active field driven by scientific discoveries and diverse application …
curiosity to become an active field driven by scientific discoveries and diverse application …
Acoustic metasurface-based perfect absorber with deep subwavelength thickness
Conventional acoustic absorbers are used to have a structure with a thickness comparable
to the working wavelength, resulting in major obstacles in real applications in low frequency …
to the working wavelength, resulting in major obstacles in real applications in low frequency …
Review and perspective on acoustic metamaterials: From fundamentals to applications
J Zhang, B Hu, S Wang - Applied Physics Letters, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
In the past two decades, the research on acoustic metamaterials has flourished, which is
also benefited from the development of additive manufacturing technology. The exotic …
also benefited from the development of additive manufacturing technology. The exotic …
Experimental realization of full control of reflected waves with subwavelength acoustic metasurfaces
Metasurfaces with subwavelength thicknesses have exhibited unconventional phenomena
in ways that could not be mimicked by traditional materials. Here we report on the analytical …
in ways that could not be mimicked by traditional materials. Here we report on the analytical …
Labyrinthine acoustic metastructures enabling broadband sound absorption and ventilation
There is growing interest in the development of path coiling-based labyrinthine acoustic
metamaterials for realizing extraordinary acoustical properties such as low-to-mid frequency …
metamaterials for realizing extraordinary acoustical properties such as low-to-mid frequency …
Low-frequency sound absorption of a metamaterial with symmetrical-coiled-up spaces
A theoretical, numerical and experimental investigation of a low-frequency acoustic
absorber (100–600 Hz) is reported herein. The acoustic metamaterial is based on a micro …
absorber (100–600 Hz) is reported herein. The acoustic metamaterial is based on a micro …
Sound absorption properties of the metamaterial curved microperforated panel
This paper proposes a metamaterial that utilizes resonators to enhance the sound
absorption capacity of the curved microperforated panel (CMPP), and reliable theoretical …
absorption capacity of the curved microperforated panel (CMPP), and reliable theoretical …
Horn-like space-coiling metamaterials toward simultaneous phase and amplitude modulation
Acoustic metasurfaces represent a family of planar wavefront-sha** devices garnering
increasing attention due to their capacity for novel acoustic wave manipulation. By precisely …
increasing attention due to their capacity for novel acoustic wave manipulation. By precisely …