[HTML][HTML] Broken foreland basins and the influence of subduction dynamics, tectonic inheritance, and mechanical triggers
Broken foreland basins are caused by crustal-scale contractional basement structures that
compartmentalize (or break) a contiguous retroarc or collisional foreland basin into smaller …
compartmentalize (or break) a contiguous retroarc or collisional foreland basin into smaller …
Spatiotemporally heterogeneous deformation, indirect tectonomagmatic links, and lithospheric evolution during orogenic activity coeval with an arc flare-up
Broad overlap between deformation and magmatism in active margins has spurred the
development of a conceptual framework of direct tectonomagmatic links in both active and …
development of a conceptual framework of direct tectonomagmatic links in both active and …
Craton deformation from flat-slab subduction and rollback
The mechanisms underlying the deformation and eventual destruction of Earth's cratons
remain enigmatic, despite proposed links to subduction and deep mantle plume processes …
remain enigmatic, despite proposed links to subduction and deep mantle plume processes …
Orogens of big sky country: reconstructing the deep‐time tectonothermal history of the beartooth mountains, Montana and Wyoming, USA
Archean rocks exposed in the Beartooth Mountains, Montana and Wyoming, have
experienced a complex> 2.5 Gyr thermal history related to the long‐term geodynamic …
experienced a complex> 2.5 Gyr thermal history related to the long‐term geodynamic …
Reconstructing the erosional and tectonic record of Laramide contraction to Rio Grande rift extension, southern Indio Mountains, western Texas, USA
A Conley, SE Ramirez, JW Ricketts… - …, 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Rocks exposed in the southern Indio Mountains provide an important geologic record of the
transition from Laramide contraction to Rio Grande rift extension. These rocks include (1) a …
transition from Laramide contraction to Rio Grande rift extension. These rocks include (1) a …
Late Cretaceous exhumation of the Little Belt Mountains and regional development of the Helena salient, west-central Montana, USA
The timing of deformation within and adjacent to the Helena salient of west-central Montana
is poorly constrained relative to other segments of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt. This study …
is poorly constrained relative to other segments of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt. This study …
Laramide crustal detachment in the Rockies: Cordilleran shortening of fluid-weakened foreland crust
What causes previously stable continental crust in the forelands of Cordilleran orogenic
systems to shorten during low-angle subduction? The National Science Foundation …
systems to shorten during low-angle subduction? The National Science Foundation …
[PDF][PDF] Regional exhumation of the Laramide Province
G Jepson, B Carrapa, LJ Reeher, PG DeCelles… - 2025 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT Western North America is the archetypical Cordilleran orogenic system that
preserves a Mesozoic to Cenozoic record of oceanic Farallon plate subduction-related …
preserves a Mesozoic to Cenozoic record of oceanic Farallon plate subduction-related …
Investigating Styles Of Contraction And Overprinting By Rio Grande Rift Extension In The Southern Indio Mountains, Western Texas
DWK West - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Laramide-style intracontinental deformation occurred throughout a large area in the western
United States from the late Cretaceous through the Eocene. This event is largely …
United States from the late Cretaceous through the Eocene. This event is largely …