[HTML][HTML] Alloys for application at ultra-high temperatures: Nb-silicide in situ composites: Challenges, breakthroughs and opportunities
P Tsakiropoulos - Progress in Materials Science, 2022 - Elsevier
The paper reflects on the development of Nb-silicide based alloys vis-à-vis property goals
and compares them with refractory-complex-concentrated-alloys (RCCAs) for their density …
and compares them with refractory-complex-concentrated-alloys (RCCAs) for their density …
Effect of the Al, Cr and B elements on the mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of Nb-Si based alloys: a review
F Shen, L Yu, T Fu, Y Zhang, H Wang, K Cui, J Wang… - Applied Physics A, 2021 - Springer
Nb-Si based alloys are considered as a potential candidates to substitute for Ni-based super
alloys. However, its poor mechanical properties and high temperature oxidation resistance …
alloys. However, its poor mechanical properties and high temperature oxidation resistance …
Oxidation of Nb–Si–Cr–Al in situ composites with Mo, Ti and Hf additions
The effects of Mo, Ti and/or Hf additions on the isothermal oxidation behaviour of Nb–Si–Cr–
Al-based in situ composites in static air at 800° C and 1200° C were studied for the as-cast …
Al-based in situ composites in static air at 800° C and 1200° C were studied for the as-cast …
On the oxidation mechanism of niobium-base in situ composites
S Mathieu, S Knittel, P Berthod, M Vilasi - Corrosion Science, 2012 - Elsevier
The Metal And Silicide Composite (MASC), having the composition Nb–25Ti–8Hf–2Cr–2Al–
16Si, at.%, was studied in static oxidising condition in air at 815, 1100 and 1200° C. Phases …
16Si, at.%, was studied in static oxidising condition in air at 815, 1100 and 1200° C. Phases …
A study of the microstructures and oxidation of Nb–Si–Cr–Al–Mo in situ composites alloyed with Ti, Hf and Sn
The effects of alloying on the microstructures, solidification path, phase stability and
oxidation kinetics of Nbss/Nb5Si3 base in situ composites of the Nb–Ti–Si–Al–Cr–Mo–Hf …
oxidation kinetics of Nbss/Nb5Si3 base in situ composites of the Nb–Ti–Si–Al–Cr–Mo–Hf …
Alloying effects on the microstructure and properties of Nb–Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys
S Zhang, X Guo - Intermetallics, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Eight multi-component Nb–Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys were prepared by
vacuum non-consumable arc melting. The effects of Hf, B and Cr alloying on the phase …
vacuum non-consumable arc melting. The effects of Hf, B and Cr alloying on the phase …
Study of the effects of Zr addition on the microstructure and properties of Nb-Ti-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys
Y Qiao, X Guo, Y Zeng - Intermetallics, 2017 - Elsevier
The effects of alloying with Zr on the microstructure, mechanical and oxidation properties of
Nb-Ti-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys have been investigated in this study. The …
Nb-Ti-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys have been investigated in this study. The …
A study of the effects of Hf and Sn additions on the microstructure of Nbss/Nb5Si3 based in situ composites
The phase stability and microstructures of Nbss/Nb5Si3 based in situ composites alloyed
with Hf and Sn have been investigated. The Nb5Si3 silicide in the β and γ forms was the …
with Hf and Sn have been investigated. The Nb5Si3 silicide in the β and γ forms was the …
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of Nb-based in situ composites from Nb–Si–Ti ternary system
Z Li, LM Peng - Acta materialia, 2007 - Elsevier
This study deals with the Nb–niobium silicide-based composites developed by the hot-
pressing of Nb–Si–Ti ternary powder mixtures with a fixed Ti addition (6at.%) and Si content …
pressing of Nb–Si–Ti ternary powder mixtures with a fixed Ti addition (6at.%) and Si content …
Study of the role of Al, Cr and Ti additions in the microstructure of Nb–18Si–5Hf base alloys
I Grammenos, P Tsakiropoulos - Intermetallics, 2010 - Elsevier
The effects of Cr, Al and Ti on the microstructure and hardness of as cast and heat treated
Nb–18Si–5Hf–5Cr (YG1), Nb–18Si–5Hf–5Al (YG2) and Nb–18Si–5Hf–24Ti (YG3) alloys …
Nb–18Si–5Hf–5Cr (YG1), Nb–18Si–5Hf–5Al (YG2) and Nb–18Si–5Hf–24Ti (YG3) alloys …