Water analysis: emerging contaminants and current issues

SD Richardson, TA Ternes - Analytical chemistry, 2014 - ACS Publications
■ BACKGROUND This biennial review covers developments in water analysis for emerging
environmental contaminants over the period of 2011− 2013. Analytical Chemistry's policy is …

High frequency monitoring of pesticides in runoff water to improve understanding of their transport and environmental impacts

M Lefrancq, A Jadas-Hécart, I La Jeunesse… - Science of the Total …, 2017 - Elsevier
Rainfall-induced peaks in pesticide concentrations can occur rapidly. Low frequency
sampling may therefore largely underestimate maximum pesticide concentrations and …

Modelling the fate of pesticide transformation products from plot to catchment scale—state of knowledge and future challenges

M Gassmann - Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Transformation products (TP) of pesticides are found everywhere in the aquatic
environment. Their dynamic formation and subsequent transport from agricultural fields to …

[HTML][HTML] Discovering pesticides and their TPs in Luxembourg waters using open cheminformatics approaches

J Krier, RR Singh, T Kondić, A Lai, P Diderich… - Environment …, 2022 - Elsevier
The diversity of hundreds of thousands of potential organic pollutants and the lack of
(publicly available) information about many of them is a huge challenge for environmental …

Entry of biocides and their transformation products into groundwater via urban stormwater infiltration systems

B Hensen, J Lange, N Jackisch, F Zieger, O Olsson… - Water research, 2018 - Elsevier
Biocides are, inter alia, applied as preservatives on facades to prevent the growth of
microorganisms. Their incomplete mineralization results in new compounds, so-called …

Spatial scale and seasonal dependence of land use impacts on riverine water quality in the Huai River basin, China

J Liu, X Zhang, B Wu, G Pan, J Xu, S Wu - Environmental Science and …, 2017 - Springer
Land use pattern is an effective reflection of anthropic activities, which are primarily
responsible for water quality deterioration. A detailed understanding of relationship between …

Swimming Behavior of Daphnia magna Is Altered by Pesticides of Concern, as Components of Agricultural Surface Water and in Acute Exposures

N Egan, SA Stinson, X Deng, SP Lawler, RE Connon - Biology, 2023 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary New types of pesticides are increasingly found in surface waters around
the world. Little is known about how they interact in mixtures, and how these mixtures might …

How weather conditions and physico-chemical properties control the leaching of flufenacet, diflufenican, and pendimethalin in a tile-drained landscape

S Willkommen, M Pfannerstill, U Ulrich, B Guse… - Agriculture, Ecosystems …, 2019 - Elsevier
The input of harmful substances into surface waters are of major concern since their side
effects may negatively affect the chemical state of surface waters. This study investigated the …

Omnipresent distribution of herbicides and their transformation products in all water body types of an agricultural landscape in the North German Lowland

U Ulrich, M Pfannerstill, G Ostendorp… - Environmental Science and …, 2021 - Springer
The research of the environmental fate of pesticides has demonstrated that applied
compounds are altered in their molecular structure over time and are distributed within the …

Combined toxicities of binary mixtures of alachlor, chlorfenvinphos, diuron and isoproturon

M Sigurnjak, Š Ukić, M Cvetnić, M Markić, MN Stankov… - Chemosphere, 2020 - Elsevier
Pesticides are the chemicals of increased concern regarding their adverse environmental
effects. In particular, the reports on their joint toxicity effects are scarce in the literature …