[HTML][HTML] A short review on thermal treatments of Titanium & Nickel based alloys processed by selective laser melting
Selective laser melting (SLM) has been considered as a well-researched technology used to
produce near net shape metallic components with superior mechanical and physiochemical …
produce near net shape metallic components with superior mechanical and physiochemical …
Nonlinear aero-thermo-elastic flutter analysis of stiffened graphene platelets reinforced metal foams plates with initial geometric imperfection
JP Song, GL She, MA Eltaher - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2024 - Elsevier
Due to its lightweight design and high load-bearing capacity, the stiffened plate structure is
extensively applied in the passive control of aircraft flutter. However, the evolution …
extensively applied in the passive control of aircraft flutter. However, the evolution …
Electroelastic wave dispersion in the rotary piezoelectric NEMS sensors/actuators via nonlocal strain gradient theory
Y Guo, A Maalla, M Habibi - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2024 - Elsevier
This article introduces a computational means for investigating the electroelastic nonlinear
wave dispersion traits of the nano-dimension sandwich pipe, which is composed of a core …
wave dispersion traits of the nano-dimension sandwich pipe, which is composed of a core …
[PDF][PDF] Carbon nanotubes: revolutionizing construction materials for a sustainable future: A review
The global construction industry is undergoing a paradigm shift as sustainability takes center
stage in the pursuit of a greener and more environmentally conscious future [1]. Traditional …
stage in the pursuit of a greener and more environmentally conscious future [1]. Traditional …
Dynamic stability and frequency responses of the tilted curved nanopipes in a supersonic airflow via 2D hybrid nonlocal strain gradient theory
J Yin, Y Zou, J Li, W Zhang, X Li, M Habibi - Engineering Structures, 2024 - Elsevier
In the presented work, vibrational behavior related to a curved nanopipe which is under
supersonic airflow and conveying fluid flow, is examined. To model the size-dependent …
supersonic airflow and conveying fluid flow, is examined. To model the size-dependent …
Influence of MWCNT's waviness and aggregation factors on wave dispersion response of MWCNT-strengthened nanocomposite curved beam
S Zhang, Y Lai, K Chen, M Habibi, M Khorami… - Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
This article focuses on the impact of waviness and aggregation of nanofillers on wave
dispersion behavior of the nanocomposite curved beam strengthened with multi-walled …
dispersion behavior of the nanocomposite curved beam strengthened with multi-walled …
Thermoelastic vibration characteristics of asymmetric annular porous reinforced with nano-fillers microplates embedded in an elastic medium: CNTs Vs. GNPs
Due to the vast usage of metal foam structures in branches of science, reinforcing them with
nano-fillers makes them more convenient. Hence, in the current study, vibration …
nano-fillers makes them more convenient. Hence, in the current study, vibration …
Vibrations of porous functionally graded CNT reinforced viscoelastic beams connected via a viscoelastic layer
This work analyses the vibrational response of porous viscoelastic functionally graded (FG)
carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced double beams. The beams are simply supported …
carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced double beams. The beams are simply supported …
Bending, buckling and linear vibration of bio-inspired composite plates
Biological composite structures with helicoidal schemes and designs have good damage
tolerance and high impact energy absorption. However, the effect of redirection and the …
tolerance and high impact energy absorption. However, the effect of redirection and the …
Simulate of edge and an internal crack problem and estimation of stress intensity factor through finite element method
M Yaylaci - Advances in nano research, 2022 - koreascience.kr
In this study, the elastic plane problem of a layered composite containing an internal or edge
crack perpendicular to its boundaries in its lower layer is examined using numerical …
crack perpendicular to its boundaries in its lower layer is examined using numerical …