[PDF][PDF] Sensor-based navigation and integrated control of ambient intelligent wheeled robots with tire-ground interaction uncertainties
This paper regards the synthesis of intelligent non-visual sensor-based navigation, motion
planning and the integrated control of indoor ambient adaptive wheelbased mobile robots in …
planning and the integrated control of indoor ambient adaptive wheelbased mobile robots in …
A stochastic logic-based fuzzy logic controller: first experimental results of a novel architecture
In stochastic computing (SC) systems numbers are represented with mean values of random
binary sequences. This paper introduces a novel fuzzy inference architecture, in which the …
binary sequences. This paper introduces a novel fuzzy inference architecture, in which the …
[PDF][PDF] A fuzzy logic approach to model and predict HV cable insulation behaviour under thermal aging
Given the non-linearity of changes in the dielectric and mechanical properties of insulation, it
is difficult to find neither a theoretical nor an experimental model for the aging mechanism …
is difficult to find neither a theoretical nor an experimental model for the aging mechanism …
[PDF][PDF] Mathematical model of heat pumps' coaxial evaporator with distributed parameters
J Nyers, Z Pek - Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 2014 - researchgate.net
The aim of this article is to create a very precise mathematical model with distributed
parameters of the heat pumps' coaxial evaporator in order to examine the behavior of …
parameters of the heat pumps' coaxial evaporator in order to examine the behavior of …
[PDF][PDF] Optimum of external wall thermal insulation thickness using total cost method
This article investigates the energy-economic optimum of thermal insulation thickness for
external wall. The investigation was performed by applying the method'total cost'. An …
external wall. The investigation was performed by applying the method'total cost'. An …
[PDF][PDF] The summarized weighted mean of maxima defuzzification and its application at the end of the risk assessment process
T Portik, L Pokorádi - Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 2014 - academia.edu
Nowadays, it is indispensible to take into consider the risk in modern technical management
especially in hydraulic systems under different circumstances. The reliability of a hydraulic …
especially in hydraulic systems under different circumstances. The reliability of a hydraulic …
[PDF][PDF] A type-2 fuzzy-based approach to the Minnesota code
N Sram, M Takács - Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 2016 - acta.uni-obuda.hu
Cardiovascular diseases are still among the most common causes of death. Online and
automated diagnostic solutions are considered as a possible remedy. In this paper, the …
automated diagnostic solutions are considered as a possible remedy. In this paper, the …
[PDF][PDF] Multicriteria HR allocation based on hesitant fuzzy sets and possibilistic programming
We focus in this paper on posing and solving a problem of human resource management,
namely allocating n people into m groups, such that each group satisfies minimal quality …
namely allocating n people into m groups, such that each group satisfies minimal quality …
Detekcija nule A/D konvertorom niske rezolucije
B Vujičić - 2017 - search.proquest.com
U tezi je rešavan centralni problem–detekcija nule dvobitnom stohastičkom digitalnom
mernom metodom (SDMM). Formulisane su dve metode detekcije nule primenom dvobitne …
mernom metodom (SDMM). Formulisane su dve metode detekcije nule primenom dvobitne …
Preduzetničke dimenzije institucija visokog obrazovanja u odabranim evropskim državama
J Tatarski - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je identifikovanje ključnih pokazatelja, faktora ili
indikatora preduzetničke orijentacije u funkciji kreiranja modela merenja preduzetničkog …
indikatora preduzetničke orijentacije u funkciji kreiranja modela merenja preduzetničkog …