[ספר][B] Humour in audiovisual translation: Theories and applications

M Dore - 2019‏ - taylorfrancis.com
This book offers a comprehensive account of the audiovisual translation (AVT) of humour,
bringing together insights from translation studies and humour studies to outline the key …

[ספר][B] Areas and methods of audiovisual translation research

Ł Bogucki - 2013‏ - library.oapen.org
«This little gem offers the reader an overview of the various practices that form part of the
ever increasing field of audiovisual translation (AVT) and makes brave inroads into the less …

Humour as a symptom of research trends in translation studies

JJ Martínez Sierra, P Zabalbeascoa Terran - 2017‏ - rua.ua.es
This article is an overview of translation studies applied to the case of humour, divided into
four parts, plus an extensive bibliography. The first part goes over humour translation as a …

[HTML][HTML] AI meets comedy: Viewers' reactions to GPT-4 generated humor translation

H Abu-Rayyash - Ampersand, 2024‏ - Elsevier
In the context of the rapidly evolving AI-generated translation landscape, this study explores
the viewer experience of GPT-4-generated humor translations compared to human …

Towards a model of describing humour translation: A case study of the Greek subtitled versions of Airplane! and Naked Gun

D Asimakoulas - Meta, 2004‏ - erudit.org
Being rooted in a specific cultural and linguistic context, humour can pose significant
problems to translation. This paper will discuss data collected from films in the light of a …

[ספר][B] Challenges and strategies of subtitling humour: A case study of the American sitcom Seinfeld, with particular reference to English and Arabic

AAA Alharthi - 2016‏ - search.proquest.com
The present study investigates issues in the subtitling of humour in the American sitcom,
Seinfeld. The study also identifies the subtitling strategies used by Arab translators to solve …

[PDF][PDF] Issues in the subtitling and dubbing of English-language films into Arabic: Problems and solutions

T Alkadi - 2010‏ - etheses.dur.ac.uk
This study investigates the problems that translators tend to face in the subtitling and
dubbing of English-language films and television programmes into Arabic and suggests …

Can you tell the difference? A study of human vs machine-translated subtitles

JR Calvo-Ferrer - Perspectives, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
While machine translation offers the potential for improved efficiency and cost savings, there
are concerns about its accuracy and reliability compared to human translation. This study …

[HTML][HTML] The use of cultural conceptualisations as a translation strategy for culture-specific jokes and humorous discourse: A remedy for a malady?

A Mohebbi - Ampersand, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Translating humour across languages and cultures is a complex task that requires more
than just linguistic competency. It requires understanding the cultural background and social …

Qualitative Research Methods in Translation Theory

D Glynn - Sage Open, 2021‏ - journals.sagepub.com
This article analyses different methodological approaches adopted by theoretical articles
published in translation studies journals. To account for the range of perspectives, a small …