Multiferroic bismuth ferrite-based materials for multifunctional applications: Ceramic bulks, thin films and nanostructures
Among the different types of multiferroic compounds, bismuth ferrite (BiFeO 3; BFO) stands
out because it is perhaps the only one being simultaneously magnetic and strongly …
out because it is perhaps the only one being simultaneously magnetic and strongly …
Recent progress in voltage control of magnetism: Materials, mechanisms, and performance
Voltage control of magnetism (VCM) is attracting increasing interest and exciting significant
research activity driven by its profound physics and enormous potential for application. This …
research activity driven by its profound physics and enormous potential for application. This …
Strain-induced room-temperature ferroelectricity in SrTiO3 membranes
Advances in complex oxide heteroepitaxy have highlighted the enormous potential of
utilizing strain engineering via lattice mismatch to control ferroelectricity in thin-film …
utilizing strain engineering via lattice mismatch to control ferroelectricity in thin-film …
Multiferroic materials and magnetoelectric physics: symmetry, entanglement, excitation, and topology
Multiferroics are those materials with more than one ferroic order, and magnetoelectricity
refers to the mutual coupling between magnetism (spins and/or magnetic field) and …
refers to the mutual coupling between magnetism (spins and/or magnetic field) and …
A comprehensive review on the progress of lead zirconate-based antiferroelectric materials
Lead zirconate (PbZrO 3 or PZ)-based antiferroelectric (AFE) materials, as a group of
important electronic materials, have attracted increasing attention for their potential …
important electronic materials, have attracted increasing attention for their potential …
Recent progress in multiferroic magnetoelectric composites: from bulk to thin films
Multiferroic magnetoelectric composite systems such as ferromagnetic‐ferroelectric
heterostructures have recently attracted an ever‐increasing interest and provoked a great …
heterostructures have recently attracted an ever‐increasing interest and provoked a great …
Two‐dimensional dielectric nanosheets: novel nanoelectronics from nanocrystal building blocks
Abstract Two‐dimensional (2D) nanosheets, which possess atomic or molecular thickness
and infinite planar lengths, are regarded as the thinnest functional nanomaterials. The …
and infinite planar lengths, are regarded as the thinnest functional nanomaterials. The …
[HTML][HTML] Ferroelectric or non-ferroelectric: Why so many materials exhibit “ferroelectricity” on the nanoscale
Ferroelectric materials have remained one of the major focal points of condensed matter
physics and materials science for over 50 years. In the last 20 years, the development of …
physics and materials science for over 50 years. In the last 20 years, the development of …
Interface physics in complex oxide heterostructures
Complex transition metal oxides span a wide range of crystalline structures and play host to
an incredible variety of physical phenomena. High dielectric permittivities, piezo-, pyro-, and …
an incredible variety of physical phenomena. High dielectric permittivities, piezo-, pyro-, and …