A review of occupancy-based building energy and IEQ controls and its future post-COVID

P Anand, D Cheong, C Sekhar - Science of the Total Environment, 2022 - Elsevier
Occupancy schedules and density can have a substantial influence on building plug,
lighting, and air conditioning energy usage. In recent years, the study related to occupancy …

An extensive collection of evaluation indicators to assess occupants' health and comfort in indoor environment

F Fantozzi, M Rocca - Atmosphere, 2020 - mdpi.com
Today, the effects of the indoor environment on occupants' health and comfort represent a
very important topic and requires a holistic approach in which the four main environmental …

Thermal comfort and self-reported productivity in an office with ceiling fans in the tropics

A Lipczynska, S Schiavon, LT Graham - Building and Environment, 2018 - Elsevier
Here we present a field study examining the impact of elevated room temperature and air
movement on thermal comfort and self-reported productivity. This experiment was performed …

Occupancy-based zone-level VAV system control implications on thermal comfort, ventilation, indoor air quality and building energy efficiency

P Anand, C Sekhar, D Cheong, M Santamouris… - Energy and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Variable Air Volume (VAV) system serving multiple zones often shows energy
wastage issues as it is not able to maintain ventilation requirements efficiently at part-load …

[HTML][HTML] Distributed and localized cooling with thermoelectrics

GJ Snyder, S LeBlanc, D Crane, H Pangborn… - Joule, 2021 - cell.com
G. Jeffrey Snyder is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern
University in Evanston Illinois. His interests are focused on engineering of electronic and …

Energy saving estimation for plug and lighting load using occupancy analysis

P Anand, D Cheong, C Sekhar, M Santamouris… - Renewable Energy, 2019 - Elsevier
The gap between the actual and intended energy use for a building is often attributed to
stochastic behaviour of occupants. This study systematically investigates the relationship of …

Computation of zone-level ventilation requirement based on actual occupancy, plug and lighting load information

P Anand, D Cheong, C Sekhar - Indoor and Built …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper presents a case study to compare the zone-level actual supplied ventilation rate
with minimum required ventilation rate for a typical variable air volume (VAV) operation. The …

Future changes in state-level population-weighted degree days in the US

G Gesangyangji, T Holloway, DJ Vimont… - Environmental …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
This study analyzes future changes in population-weighted degree-days in 48 states over
the contiguous US Using temperature data from the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily …

A methodology for evaluating the effects of climate change on climatic design conditions for buildings and application to a case study in Madison, Wisconsin

DJ Vimont, T Holloway, DJ Lorenz - Environmental Research …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Climatic design conditions are widely used by the building community as environmental
parameters informing the size and energy requirements for heating, ventilation and air …

[HTML][HTML] Low delta-T syndrome in cooling systems: A systematic review of the signs, symptoms, and causes

A van den Brink, S Walker, R Kramer… - Applied Thermal …, 2024 - Elsevier
Return water temperature and flow rate are indicators of the energy efficiency of chilled
water systems. Since the late 1980s, the return water temperature has deviated from the …