[HTML][HTML] Recent progressive developments in conductive-fillers based polymer nanocomposites (CFPNC's) and conducting polymeric nanocomposites (CPNC's) for …
Conducting polymer nanocomposites (CPNC's) are promising materials for sensor devices
possessing design pliability, good sensitivity, and low temperature operation. For producing …
possessing design pliability, good sensitivity, and low temperature operation. For producing …
Novel trends in conductive polymeric nanocomposites, and bionanocomposites
CI Idumah - Synthetic Metals, 2021 - Elsevier
Conducting polymer composites (CPCs) have been versatily utilized in actualizing
advanced devices such as supercapacitors, biosensors, photovoltaic cells, batteries …
advanced devices such as supercapacitors, biosensors, photovoltaic cells, batteries …
An overview of silver nano-particles as promising materials for water disinfection
Open defecation, improper disposal of sewer line wastes and mismanagement of infectious
biomedical wastes may cause severe biological contamination to the water reservoirs. On …
biomedical wastes may cause severe biological contamination to the water reservoirs. On …
A review: advancements in conductive polymers nanocomposites
Conductive polymers (CPs) have undergone in-depth investigations because of their
numerous benefits in comparison with conventional materials. CPs nanocomposites have …
numerous benefits in comparison with conventional materials. CPs nanocomposites have …
Organic conjugated polymers and their nanostructured composites: Synthesis methodologies and electrochemical applications
Conductive polymers are favourable materials for energy storage due to their high electrical
conductivity (> 10 3 S cm− 1), lightweight nature, controllable resistance, cost-effectiveness …
conductivity (> 10 3 S cm− 1), lightweight nature, controllable resistance, cost-effectiveness …
A highly selective bifunctional nanosensor based on nanocellulose and 3D polypyrrole decorated with silver-gold bimetallic alloy to simultaneously detect …
An electrochemical sensing platform for the simultaneous detection of methotrexate (MTX)
and Ciprofloxacin (CIF) has been presented using nanocellulose and 3dimensional …
and Ciprofloxacin (CIF) has been presented using nanocellulose and 3dimensional …
Study of the effect of band gap and photoluminescence on biological properties of polyaniline/CdS QD nanocomposites based on natural polymer
In this work, band gap, photoluminescence and biological properties of new
bionanocomposites based on polyaniline (PANi)/hydrolyzed pectin (HPEc)/cadmium sulfide …
bionanocomposites based on polyaniline (PANi)/hydrolyzed pectin (HPEc)/cadmium sulfide …
Polypyrrole nanocomposites as promising gas/vapour sensing materials: Past, present and future prospects
A Husain, MU Shariq - Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Development of highly efficient gas/vapour sensor is an urgent necessity because
of rapidly increasing emission of various hazardous and highly flammable gases/vapours …
of rapidly increasing emission of various hazardous and highly flammable gases/vapours …
[HTML][HTML] E-Tongues/noses based on conducting polymers and composite materials: Expanding the possibilities in complex analytical sensing
Conducting polymers (CPs) are extensively studied due to their high versatility and electrical
properties, as well as their high environmental stability. Based on the above, their …
properties, as well as their high environmental stability. Based on the above, their …
Conductometric Sensor Based on Electropolymerized Pyrrole-Tailed Ionic Liquids for Acetone Detection
H Ben Halima, A Madaci, E Contal… - ACS Applied Polymer …, 2024 - ACS Publications
In the chemical industry and research institutes, acetone serves routinely as a solvent, a
reactant, and an extractant. However, due to its high volatility and toxicity, monitoring its …
reactant, and an extractant. However, due to its high volatility and toxicity, monitoring its …