Finding the right thermal limit: a framework to reconcile ecological, physiological and methodological aspects of CTmax in ectotherms
Upper thermal limits (CTmax) are frequently used to parameterize the fundamental niche of
ectothermic animals and to infer biogeographical distribution limits under current and future …
ectothermic animals and to infer biogeographical distribution limits under current and future …
Can we predict ectotherm responses to climate change using thermal performance curves and body temperatures?
Thermal performance curves (TPC s), which quantify how an ectotherm's body temperature
(Tb) affects its performance or fitness, are often used in an attempt to predict organismal …
(Tb) affects its performance or fitness, are often used in an attempt to predict organismal …
Hydrologic refugia, plants, and climate change
Climate, physical landscapes, and biota interact to generate heterogeneous hydrologic
conditions in space and over time, which are reflected in spatial patterns of species …
conditions in space and over time, which are reflected in spatial patterns of species …
Fine-grain modeling of species' response to climate change: holdouts, step**-stones, and microrefugia
Microclimates have played a critical role in past species range shifts, suggesting that they
could be important in biological response to future change. Terms are needed to discuss …
could be important in biological response to future change. Terms are needed to discuss …
A species' response to spatial climatic variation does not predict its response to climate change
The dominant paradigm for assessing ecological responses to climate change assumes that
future states of individuals and populations can be predicted by current, species-wide …
future states of individuals and populations can be predicted by current, species-wide …
The Tropical Seagrass Halophila stipulacea: Reviewing What We Know From Its Native and Invasive Habitats, Alongside Identifying Knowledge Gaps
Halophila stipulacea is a small tropical seagrass, native to the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and
the Indian Ocean. It invaded the Mediterranean Sea 150 years ago as a Lessepsian migrant …
the Indian Ocean. It invaded the Mediterranean Sea 150 years ago as a Lessepsian migrant …
Global observational needs and resources for marine biodiversity
The diversity of life in the sea is critical to the health of ocean ecosystems that support living
resources and therefore essential to the economic, nutritional, recreational, and health …
resources and therefore essential to the economic, nutritional, recreational, and health …
[HTML][HTML] Adaptive marine conservation planning in the face of climate change: What can we learn from physiological, ecological and genetic studies?
Rapid anthropogenic climate change is a major threat to ocean biodiversity, increasing the
challenge for marine conservation. Strategic conservation planning, and more recently …
challenge for marine conservation. Strategic conservation planning, and more recently …
Modelling climate change impacts on marine fish populations: process‐based integration of ocean warming, acidification and other environmental drivers
Global climate change affects marine fish through drivers such as ocean warming,
acidification and oxygen depletion, causing changes in marine ecosystems and …
acidification and oxygen depletion, causing changes in marine ecosystems and …
Heat waves and their significance for a temperate benthic community: A near‐natural experimental approach
Climate change will not only shift environmental means but will also increase the intensity of
extreme events, exerting additional stress on ecosystems. While field observations on the …
extreme events, exerting additional stress on ecosystems. While field observations on the …