Modelica-based heating surface modelling and dynamic exergy analysis of 300 MW power plant boiler
In the era of high penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs), traditional coal-fired
power plants are facing increasing requirements of operational flexibility which is limited by …
power plants are facing increasing requirements of operational flexibility which is limited by …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental study of air source heat pump water heater: Energy, exergy, and entransy analysis
F Ruan, S Xu, D Qin, S Li, P Chen - Energy and Built Environment, 2023 - Elsevier
With the continuous progress of urbanization, building energy consumption is increasing
dramatically. At present, energy consumption caused by air conditioning accounts for a half …
dramatically. At present, energy consumption caused by air conditioning accounts for a half …
[HTML][HTML] Energy and exergy assessment of 750 MW combined cycle power plant: A case study
As global energy demand continues to rise, the imperative to explore and enhance energy
generation from existing resources intensifies. Combined cycle power plants (CCPPs) have …
generation from existing resources intensifies. Combined cycle power plants (CCPPs) have …
Evolution, status, and trends of exergy research: a systematic analysis during 1997–2020
P Zhang, Q ** - Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022 - Springer
Exergy analysis, as a core evaluation tool to improve energy efficiency and system
sustainability, has been applied in various fields over the last decades, leading to a …
sustainability, has been applied in various fields over the last decades, leading to a …
An accurate ladder-type ramp rate constraint derived from field test data for thermal power unit with deep peak regulation
L Yang, N Zhou, G Zhou, Y Chi, Q Wang… - … on Power Systems, 2023 -
The power system experiences a significant increase in its flexibility in recent years, along
with the increase in renewable energy penetration. Implementing the flexibility retrofit of …
with the increase in renewable energy penetration. Implementing the flexibility retrofit of …
Subcritical and supercritical Rankine steam cycles, under elevated temperatures up to 900° C and absolute pressures up to 400 bara
OA Marzouk - Advances in mechanical engineering, 2024 -
The Rankine cycle is a conceptual arrangement of four processes as a closed vapor power
thermodynamic cycle, where a working fluid (especially water as a liquid, as a vapor, and as …
thermodynamic cycle, where a working fluid (especially water as a liquid, as a vapor, and as …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of operating parameters on the performance of combined cycle based on exergy analysis
This paper presents the energy and exergy analysis for actual data of the triple-pressure
combined cycle power plant (CCPP). This study was carried out to evaluate each …
combined cycle power plant (CCPP). This study was carried out to evaluate each …
[HTML][HTML] Thermodynamic analysis of gas turbine performance using the enthalpy–entropy approach
The enthalpy–entropy approach, which is a rigorous and accurate method, was used to
model the actual cycle of a gas turbine (GT). The constructed GT C# programming language …
model the actual cycle of a gas turbine (GT). The constructed GT C# programming language …
[HTML][HTML] Realistic energy, exergy, and exergoeconomic (3E) characterization of a steam power plant: multi-criteria optimization case study of mashhad tous power …
This paper presents an in-depth investigation into the performance of Mashhad Tous power
plant in Iran, a natural-gas-fueled steam cycle with an output power of 4× 150 MW. The …
plant in Iran, a natural-gas-fueled steam cycle with an output power of 4× 150 MW. The …
[HTML][HTML] Financially focused 3E optimization of innovative solar-powered dual-temperature refrigeration systems: balancing cost-effectiveness with environmental …
This research delves into the cutting-edge realm of solar-powered dual-temperature
refrigeration, adhering to the 3E model emphasizing Energy, Economic, and Environmental …
refrigeration, adhering to the 3E model emphasizing Energy, Economic, and Environmental …