Advances in human intracranial electroencephalography research, guidelines and good practices
Since the second half of the twentieth century, intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG),
including both electrocorticography (ECoG) and stereo-electroencephalography (sEEG) …
including both electrocorticography (ECoG) and stereo-electroencephalography (sEEG) …
Decoding inner speech using electrocorticography: Progress and challenges toward a speech prosthesis
Certain brain disorders resulting from brainstem infarcts, traumatic brain injury, cerebral
palsy, stroke, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, limit verbal communication despite the …
palsy, stroke, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, limit verbal communication despite the …
[HTML][HTML] Music can be reconstructed from human auditory cortex activity using nonlinear decoding models
Music is core to human experience, yet the precise neural dynamics underlying music
perception remain unknown. We analyzed a unique intracranial electroencephalography …
perception remain unknown. We analyzed a unique intracranial electroencephalography …
Towards reconstructing intelligible speech from the human auditory cortex
Auditory stimulus reconstruction is a technique that finds the best approximation of the
acoustic stimulus from the population of evoked neural activity. Reconstructing speech from …
acoustic stimulus from the population of evoked neural activity. Reconstructing speech from …
Electrocorticogram (ECoG): Engineering approaches and clinical challenges for translational medicine
Electrocorticogram (ECoG) is an electrophysiological signal that results from the summation
of neuronal activity near the cortical surface. To record ECoG signals, the scalp and skull are …
of neuronal activity near the cortical surface. To record ECoG signals, the scalp and skull are …
[HTML][HTML] Cognitive crescendo: how music shapes the brain's structure and function
Music is a complex phenomenon with multiple brain areas and neural connections being
implicated. Centuries ago, music was discovered as an efficient modality for psychological …
implicated. Centuries ago, music was discovered as an efficient modality for psychological …
Endogenous sources of interbrain synchrony in duetting pianists
When people interact with each other, their brains synchronize. However, it remains unclear
whether interbrain synchrony (IBS) is functionally relevant for social interaction or stems from …
whether interbrain synchrony (IBS) is functionally relevant for social interaction or stems from …
The music of silence: part I: responses to musical imagery encode melodic expectations and acoustics
Musical imagery is the voluntary internal hearing of music in the mind without the need for
physical action or external stimulation. Numerous studies have already revealed brain areas …
physical action or external stimulation. Numerous studies have already revealed brain areas …
Neural correlates of music listening and recall in the human brain
Previous neuroimaging studies have identified various brain regions that are activated by
music listening or recall. However, little is known about how these brain regions represent …
music listening or recall. However, little is known about how these brain regions represent …
Visual mental imagery: inside the mind's eyes
What are mental images needed for? A variety of everyday situations calls for us to plan
ahead; one of the clever ways our mind prepares and strategizes our next move is through …
ahead; one of the clever ways our mind prepares and strategizes our next move is through …