Probabilistic inversion of seismic data for reservoir petrophysical characterization: Review and examples
The physics that describes the seismic response of an interval of saturated porous rocks with
known petrophysical properties is relatively well understood and includes rock physics …
known petrophysical properties is relatively well understood and includes rock physics …
Seismic wave attenuation and dispersion resulting from wave-induced flow in porous rocks—A review
One major cause of elastic wave attenuation in heterogeneous porous media is wave-
induced flow of the pore fluid between heterogeneities of various scales. It is believed that …
induced flow of the pore fluid between heterogeneities of various scales. It is believed that …
Seismic inversion for reservoir properties combining statistical rock physics and geostatistics: A review
There are various approaches for quantitative estimation of reservoir properties from seismic
inversion. A general Bayesian formulation for the inverse problem can be implemented in …
inversion. A general Bayesian formulation for the inverse problem can be implemented in …
Probabilistic petrophysical-properties estimation integrating statistical rock physics with seismic inversion
D Grana, E Della Rossa - Geophysics, 2010 -
A joint estimation of petrophysical properties is proposed that combines statistical rock
physics and Bayesian seismic inversion. Because elastic attributes are correlated with …
physics and Bayesian seismic inversion. Because elastic attributes are correlated with …
Bayesian linearized rock-physics inversion
D Grana - Geophysics, 2016 -
The estimation of rock and fluid properties from seismic attributes is an inverse problem.
Rock-physics modeling provides physical relations to link elastic and petrophysical …
Rock-physics modeling provides physical relations to link elastic and petrophysical …
Petrophysical properties prediction from prestack seismic data using convolutional neural networks
We have built convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to obtain petrophysical properties in
the depth domain from prestack seismic data in the time domain. We compare two workflows …
the depth domain from prestack seismic data in the time domain. We compare two workflows …
Porosity and permeability prediction using a transformer and periodic long short-term network
Effective reservoir parameter prediction is important for subsurface characterization and
understanding fluid migration. However, conventional methods for obtaining porosity and …
understanding fluid migration. However, conventional methods for obtaining porosity and …
Inversion of time‐lapse seismic reservoir monitoring data using CycleGAN: A deep learning‐based approach for estimating dynamic reservoir property changes
Carbon capture and storage is being pursued globally as a geoengineering measure for
reducing the emission of anthropogenic into the atmosphere. Comprehensive monitoring …
reducing the emission of anthropogenic into the atmosphere. Comprehensive monitoring …
Hierarchical Bayesian lithology/fluid prediction: A North Sea case study
Seismic 3D amplitude variation with offset (AVO) data from the Alvheim field in the North Sea
are inverted into lithology/fluid classes, elastic properties, and porosity. Lithology/fluid maps …
are inverted into lithology/fluid classes, elastic properties, and porosity. Lithology/fluid maps …
Joint facies and reservoir properties inversion
D Grana - Geophysics, 2018 -
ABSTRACT I have developed a joint inversion of seismic data for the simultaneous
estimation of facies and reservoir properties, such as porosity, mineralogy, and saturation …
estimation of facies and reservoir properties, such as porosity, mineralogy, and saturation …