[HTML][HTML] Revisão e atualização da lista das aves do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Neste artigo, a lista das aves do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (281.749 km²) é revisada e
atualizada. A inclusão de espécies na lista seguiu dois critérios principais:(i) ocorrência no …
atualizada. A inclusão de espécies na lista seguiu dois critérios principais:(i) ocorrência no …
Skull morphology and ontogenetic variation of the Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus (Aves: Procellariiformes)
Abstract The Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus is the largest Procellariidae
around the world. Beyond the most striking features on the skull, the strong hooked bill with …
around the world. Beyond the most striking features on the skull, the strong hooked bill with …
Morphological, behavioural, and genetic evidence supports reinstatement of full species status for the grey-faced petrel, Pterodroma macroptera gouldi …
Although described as a distinct species in 1869, for more than a century now New
Zealand's grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi Hutton, 1869) has been …
Zealand's grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi Hutton, 1869) has been …
Skull morphology of four Antarctic fulmarine petrels (Aves: Procellariiformes): insights into their feeding biology
Fulmarine petrels are top predators in the Antarctic region preying mostly on squid, fish, and
carrion. Their diets have been widely studied, but less is known about the role of skeletal …
carrion. Their diets have been widely studied, but less is known about the role of skeletal …
[HTML][HTML] Fossil and subfossil birds of Brazil
RS Nascimento, LF Silveira - Zoologia (Curitiba), 2024 - SciELO Brasil
The study of fossil and subfossil birds in Brazil is still in its early stages despite its relatively
abundant material. The remains are represented by bones, feathers, mummified specimens …
abundant material. The remains are represented by bones, feathers, mummified specimens …
[PDF][PDF] The albatrosses of the genus Diomedea Linnaeus, 1758 (Procellariiformes: Diomedeidae) in Brazil
Recently, the genus Diomedea has undergone several taxonomic changes, resulting in the
split of D. exulans (lato sensu) and D. epomophora (lato sensu) into six different species. Of …
split of D. exulans (lato sensu) and D. epomophora (lato sensu) into six different species. Of …
Fossil Birds of Brazil
RS Nascimento - 2022 - teses.usp.br
Avian paleontology in Brazil is a research field still in its early stages despite its relatively
abundant material. The remains are represented by bones, feather impressions, eggs …
abundant material. The remains are represented by bones, feather impressions, eggs …
[PDF][PDF] Settling the name Diomedea exulans Linnaeus, 1758 for the Wandering Albatross by neotypification
R Schodde, AJD Tennyson, JG Groth, J Lai… - Zootaxa, 2017 - dacemirror.sci-hub.gg
On-going conflict in use of the name Diomedea exulans Linnaeus, 1758 for different taxa of
the great albatrosses (Wandering Albatross complex) is resolved by neotypification, fixing …
the great albatrosses (Wandering Albatross complex) is resolved by neotypification, fixing …
[PDF][PDF] Separating black-browed albatross Thalassarche melanophris and atlantic yellow-nosed albatross T. chlororhynchos by osteological morphometric analysis
Identifying albatross species in the wild involves recognizing plumage pattern and bill
coloration. However, skeletal specimens in museums or deteriorated beached carcasses …
coloration. However, skeletal specimens in museums or deteriorated beached carcasses …
Análise morfológica e morfométrica de duas espécies de albatroses: Albatroz-de-sobrancelha (Thalassarche melanophris) e Albatroz-de-nariz-amarelo …
A Pereira - 2018 - lume.ufrgs.br
Os albatrozes estão amplamente distribuídos ao longo dos oceanos do Hemisfério Sul, com
algumas poucas espécies ocorrendo no Hemisfério Norte. A família Diomedeidae abrange …
algumas poucas espécies ocorrendo no Hemisfério Norte. A família Diomedeidae abrange …