Very high cycle fatigue behavior of TC4 titanium alloy: Faceting cracking mechanism and life prediction based on dislocation characterization

H Deng, J Liu, H Kang, Y Guo, L Song, H Yu - International Journal of …, 2025‏ - Elsevier
This research analyzes the very-high-cycle-fatigue behavior of TC4 titanium alloy through
fatigue tests at R=− 1,− 0.3, and 0.1. The results show that the SN curves are all bilinear and …

Thickness and weld orientation effects on fatigue crack growth after a single tensile overload

R Gadallah, H Murakawa, M Shibahara - International Journal of Pressure …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Numerical calculations were performed to investigate the effects of thickness and weld
orientation on welding residual stress (WRS) and fatigue life after a single tensile overload …

Numerical investigation on the effect of thickness and stress level on fatigue crack growth in notched specimens

R Gadallah, H Murakawa, K Ikushima… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
The effect of specimen thickness on the behavior of fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR)
requires rigorous investigation because the thickness effect is not independent and could be …

In-situ experimental investigation and prediction of fatigue crack growth for aluminum alloys under single spike-overloads

L Cai, W Li, T Hu, B Ji, Y Zhang, T Sakai… - Engineering Fracture …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Fatigue crack growth behaviors of three aluminum alloys under single overload are
investigated by in-situ optical microscopy testing and in-situ SEM testing. The results show …

Effects of specimen size and stress ratio on fatigue crack growth after a single tensile overload

R Gadallah, H Murakawa, M Shibahara - Ocean Engineering, 2022‏ - Elsevier
This paper investigates the effect of specimen size, stress ratio, and loading pattern on
fatigue crack growth for centrally cracked low carbon steel specimens. Elastic-plastic …

Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction in a Nickel-Base Superalloy Under Spectrum Loads Using FRANC3D

N Nagarajappa, SG Malipatil, AN Majila… - Transactions of the …, 2022‏ - Springer
In this study, the fatigue crack growth behavior in an aero-engine material under a standard
spectrum load sequence was predicted using FRANC3D and compared with available …

Committee III. 2: fatigue and fracture

Y Garbatov, SK Ås, H Den Besten… - International Ship and …, 2022‏ -
Committee Mandate Concern for crack initiation and growth under cyclic loading and
unstable crack propagation and tearing in the ship and offshore structures. Due attention …


堤成一郎, 長濱啓和, 清川裕樹 - 土木学会論文集 A2 (応用力学), 2020‏ -
抄録 疲労損傷過程は一般に, 亀裂発生とその後の伝播段階に分けて議論され,
疲労亀裂進展の駆動力としては応力拡大係数や J 積分が採用される. 著者らは**年 …