Nonlinear rainfall effects on savanna fire activity across the African Humid Period
Fire is a key ecosystem process in tropical and subtropical savannas, with a varying role that
depends on hydroclimate but also on feedbacks between fire and vegetation. In savannas …
depends on hydroclimate but also on feedbacks between fire and vegetation. In savannas …
A critical appraisal of charcoal morphometry as a paleofire fuel type proxy
Fire is an important disturbance mechanism that can alter ecosystems and catalyze
vegetation changes. Paleofire records provide a means of inferring how ecosystems will be …
vegetation changes. Paleofire records provide a means of inferring how ecosystems will be …
Global response of fire activity to late Quaternary grazer extinctions
Fire activity varies substantially at global scales because of the influence of climate, but at
broad spatiotemporal scales, the possible effects of herbivory on fire activity are unknown …
broad spatiotemporal scales, the possible effects of herbivory on fire activity are unknown …
Fire distinguishers: Refined interpretations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for paleo-applications
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), produced via incomplete combustion of organics,
convey signatures of vegetation burned in the geologic past. New and published burn …
convey signatures of vegetation burned in the geologic past. New and published burn …
Charcoal morphologies and morphometrics of a Eurasian grass-dominated system for robust interpretation of past fuel and fire type
Recent developments in morphological and morphometric analyses of charcoal particles
have improved our ability to discern characteristics of burnt plant fuel and interpret fire-type …
have improved our ability to discern characteristics of burnt plant fuel and interpret fire-type …
Tracking hunter-gatherer impact on vegetation in last interglacial and Holocene Europe: Proxies and challenges
We review palaeoenvironmental proxies and combinations of these relevant for
understanding hunter-gatherer niche construction activities in pre-agricultural Europe. Our …
understanding hunter-gatherer niche construction activities in pre-agricultural Europe. Our …
Experimental production of charcoal morphologies to discriminate fuel source and fire type in the Siberian taiga
A Feurdean - Biogeosciences discussions, 2021 - bg.copernicus.org
The analysis of charcoal fragments in peat and lake sediments is the most widely used
approach to reconstruct past biomass burning. With a few exceptions, this method typically …
approach to reconstruct past biomass burning. With a few exceptions, this method typically …
Microscopic charcoals in ocean sediments off Africa track past fire intensity from the continent
Fires in Africa account for more than half of global fire-carbon emissions but the long-term
evolution of fire activity and its link to global climate change remains elusive. Paleofire …
evolution of fire activity and its link to global climate change remains elusive. Paleofire …
The reconstruction of burned area and fire severity using charcoal from boreal lake sediments
Although lacustrine sedimentary charcoal has long been used to infer paleofires, their
quantitative reconstructions require improvements of the calibration of their links with fire …
quantitative reconstructions require improvements of the calibration of their links with fire …
Wildfire-vegetation-climate-human interactions in the central Taiwan region during 17.3–2.0 cal kyr BP, inferred from sediments of Toushe Basin
In this study, a long-term relationship amongst wildfire, vegetation, climate, and human in the
central Taiwan region, spanning from 17.3 to 2.0 cal kyr BP, is explored. To investigate this …
central Taiwan region, spanning from 17.3 to 2.0 cal kyr BP, is explored. To investigate this …