Service selection in web service composition: A comparative review of existing approaches
Web service composition (WSC) offers a range of solutions for rapid creation of complex
applications in advanced service-oriented systems by facilitating the composition of already …
applications in advanced service-oriented systems by facilitating the composition of already …
Towards network-aware service composition in the cloud
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) enables the composition of loosely coupled services
provided with varying Quality of Service (QoS) levels. Selecting a (near-) optimal set of …
provided with varying Quality of Service (QoS) levels. Selecting a (near-) optimal set of …
An overview and classification of service description approaches in automated service composition research
In recent years, automated service composition has been a fervid research area in service
computing. Within this area, service description plays a crucial role in terms of the …
computing. Within this area, service description plays a crucial role in terms of the …
Compatibility-aware cloud service composition under fuzzy preferences of users
AV Dastjerdi, R Buyya - IEEE Transactions on Cloud …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
When a single Cloud service (ie, a software image and a virtual machine), on its own, cannot
satisfy all the user requirements, a composition of Cloud services is required. Cloud service …
satisfy all the user requirements, a composition of Cloud services is required. Cloud service …
Automatic dynamic web service composition: A survey and problem formalization
P Bartalos, M Bieliková - Computing and Informatics, 2011 - cai.sk
The aim of Web service composition is to arrange multiple services into workflows supplying
complex user needs. Due to the huge amount of Web services and the need to supply …
complex user needs. Due to the huge amount of Web services and the need to supply …
SanGA: A self-adaptive network-aware approach to service composition
Service-Oriented Computing enables the composition of loosely coupled services provided
with varying Quality of Service (QoS) levels. Selecting a near-optimal set of services for a …
with varying Quality of Service (QoS) levels. Selecting a near-optimal set of services for a …
Towards a service-oriented cyber–physical systems of systems for smart city mobility applications
The wide adoption of smart city solutions has proven that information and communication
technologies can effectively address many of the challenges in modern cities such as safety …
technologies can effectively address many of the challenges in modern cities such as safety …
A survey on automated service composition methods and related techniques
Y Syu, SP Ma, JY Kuo… - 2012 IEEE Ninth …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As a promising, low-cost, and agile way to develop software, in recent years automatic
service composition has been a popular research topic receiving a lot of attentions. For this …
service composition has been a popular research topic receiving a lot of attentions. For this …
Efficient heuristic approach with improved time complexity for qos-aware service composition
Service-Oriented Architecture enables the composition of loosely coupled services provided
with varying Quality of Service (QoS) levels. Given a composition, finding the set of services …
with varying Quality of Service (QoS) levels. Given a composition, finding the set of services …
A distributed agent-based approach for optimal QoS selection in web of object choreography
N Temglit, A Chibani, K Djouani… - IEEE Systems …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the domain of physical/logical objects connected to the
Internet that can be accessible anywhere and anytime, giving the access policies. Web …
Internet that can be accessible anywhere and anytime, giving the access policies. Web …