Advances and prospects for whispering gallery mode microcavities

S Yang, Y Wang, H Sun - Advanced Optical Materials, 2015‏ - Wiley Online Library
Microlasers have experienced tremendous development in the past decade and become an
essential part in laser evolution, as miniature lasers provide strong optical confinement and …

Bioactive calcium phosphate–based glasses and ceramics and their biomedical applications: A review

MT Islam, RM Felfel, EA Abou Neel… - Journal of tissue …, 2017‏ -
An overview of the formation of calcium phosphate under in vitro environment on the surface
of a range of bioactive materials (eg from silicate, borate, and phosphate glasses, glass …

Whispering gallery mode microresonators: fundamentals and applications

GC Righini, Y Dumeige, P Féron, M Ferrari… - La Rivista del Nuovo …, 2011‏ - Springer
Confinement of light into small volumes has become an essential requirement for photonic
devices; examples of this trend are provided by optical fibers, integrated optical circuits …

Spherical whispering‐gallery‐mode microresonators

A Chiasera, Y Dumeige, P Feron… - Laser & Photonics …, 2010‏ - Wiley Online Library
Whispering‐gallery modes (WGM) on a spherical surface were first described by Lord
Rayleigh at the beginning of the last century, but only after the invention of laser did they …

Biosensing by WGM microspherical resonators

GC Righini, S Soria - Sensors, 2016‏ -
Whispering gallery mode (WGM) microresonators, thanks to their unique properties, have
allowed researchers to achieve important results in both fundamental research and …

Overview of the coupling methods used in whispering gallery mode resonator systems for sensing

L Cai, J Pan, S Hu - Optics and lasers in engineering, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Whispering gallery mode (WGM) microcavities have a small mode volume, a high quality (Q)
factor and great application potential in the field of integrated optics. The coupling of light …

[HTML][HTML] Advances on optical fiber sensors

L Mescia, F Prudenzano - Fibers, 2013‏ -
In this review paper some recent advances on optical fiber sensors are reported. In
particular, fiber Bragg grating (FBG), long period gratings (LPGs), evanescent field and …

Millisecond photon lifetime in a slow-light microcavity

V Huet, A Rasoloniaina, P Guillemé, P Rochard… - Physical review …, 2016‏ - APS
Optical microcavities with ultralong photon storage times are of central importance for
integrated nanophotonics. To date, record quality (Q) factors up to 10 11 have been …

The nonlinear effects and applications of gain doped whispering-gallery mode cavities

XY Wu, K Wang, H Wang, B Lu, YP Gao… - Europhysics …, 2023‏ -
Whispering-gallery mode (WGM) cavities formed by dielectric structures have attracted
intensive interest in various fields. The high-quality factor and smaller mode volume …

Rare earth-doped glass whispering gallery mode micro-lasers

G Frigenti, S Berneschi, D Farnesi, S Pelli… - … Physical Journal Plus, 2023‏ -
We review the works performed on whispering gallery mode (WGM) micro-optical resonators
made in rare-earth (RE) doped glasses for implementing low threshold and narrow line …