[KNIHA][B] Producer cooperatives as a new mode of production
B Jossa - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
The notion that there is no alternative to capitalism emerged after the fall of the Berlin Wall
and made rapid headway due to increasing economic globalisation. More recently, this …
and made rapid headway due to increasing economic globalisation. More recently, this …
[KNIHA][B] The political economy of cooperatives and socialism
B Jossa - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This book argues that capitalism cannot be said to be truly democratic and that a system of
producer cooperatives, or democratically managed enterprises, is needed to give rise to a …
producer cooperatives, or democratically managed enterprises, is needed to give rise to a …
[KNIHA][B] Managing the Cooperative Enterprise: The Rise of Worker-controlled Firms
B Jossa - 2020 - books.google.com
This book revolves around the idea that capitalism is not a democratic system and that a
system of producer cooperatives, or democratically managed enterprises, gives rise to a …
system of producer cooperatives, or democratically managed enterprises, gives rise to a …
L'economia politica della rivoluzione democratica
B Jossa - Politica economica, 2006 - rivisteweb.it
Può sembrare strano, ma la possibilità che si abbia oggi una rivoluzione nel sistema
economico, allo stato del dibattito tra gli economisti, è qualcosa su cui non vi dovrebbero …
economico, allo stato del dibattito tra gli economisti, è qualcosa su cui non vi dovrebbero …
How Cooperative Firms Should be Organised from the Perspective of Today, s Economic Theory
B Jossa - Politica economica, 2008 - rivisteweb.it
In the debate on employee-managed firms, economists have often stressed the need for
more detailed information on the institutional context individual authors refer to from time to …
more detailed information on the institutional context individual authors refer to from time to …
Sulla transizione dal capitalismo all'autogestione.(On the transition from capitalism to cooperativism)
B Jossa - Moneta e Credito, 2010 - rosa.uniroma1.it
A system of firms managed by the workers, if organized in the LMF form as suggested by
Vanek, realizes a new method of production, one of the possible forms of a market based …
Vanek, realizes a new method of production, one of the possible forms of a market based …
Le cooperative di produzione come nuovo modo di produzione
B Jossa - Studi economici: 93, 3, 2007, 2007 - torrossa.com
Un sistema di imprese cooperative o, il che è lo stesso, un sistema di imprese gestite dai
lavoratori è un sistema fondamentalmente di mercato; il che significa che le grandezze …
lavoratori è un sistema fondamentalmente di mercato; il che significa che le grandezze …
A Few Advantages of Economic Democracy
B Jossa - Studi economici: 101, 2, 2010, 2010 - torrossa.com
This short overview of the advantages of a system of employeemanaged firms examines a
few major aspects of a research area which makes up a vast chapter of the specialised …
few major aspects of a research area which makes up a vast chapter of the specialised …
[PDF][PDF] Production Modes, Marx's Method and the Feasible Revolution
B Jossa - European Scientific Journal, 2016 - academia.edu
In Marx, the production mode is defined as a social organisation mode which is typified by
one dominant production model which confers significance on the system at large. The …
one dominant production model which confers significance on the system at large. The …
BB Jossa - siecon.org
One of the most radical critics of Marx was Simone Weil.“As long as there is, on the surface
of the globe, a struggle for power–she wrote (1995, pp. 15-17)–and as long as the decisive …
of the globe, a struggle for power–she wrote (1995, pp. 15-17)–and as long as the decisive …