[CARTE][B] Multiagent systems: Algorithmic, game-theoretic, and logical foundations
Y Shoham, K Leyton-Brown - 2008 - books.google.com
Multiagent systems combine multiple autonomous entities, each having diverging interests
or different information. This overview of the field offers a computer science perspective, but …
or different information. This overview of the field offers a computer science perspective, but …
[PDF][PDF] Bitcoin mining pools: A cooperative game theoretic analysis
Bitcoin is an innovative decentralized cryptocurrency whose core security relies on a “proof
of work” procedure, which requires network participants to repeatedly compute hashes on …
of work” procedure, which requires network participants to repeatedly compute hashes on …
A linear approximation method for the Shapley value
The Shapley value is a key solution concept for coalitional games in general and voting
games in particular. Its main advantage is that it provides a unique and fair solution, but its …
games in particular. Its main advantage is that it provides a unique and fair solution, but its …
The cost of stability in coalitional games
A key question in cooperative game theory is that of coalitional stability, usually captured by
the notion of the core—the set of outcomes such that no subgroup of players has an …
the notion of the core—the set of outcomes such that no subgroup of players has an …
Game-theoretic vocabulary selection via the shapley value and banzhaf index
The input vocabulary and the representations learned are crucial to the performance of
neural NLP models. Using the full vocabulary results in less explainable and more memory …
neural NLP models. Using the full vocabulary results in less explainable and more memory …
Venture capital programmes in the UK and Germany: In what sense regional policies?
Sunley P., Klagge B., Berndt C. and Martin R.(2005) Venture capital programmes in the UK
and Germany: in what sense regional policies?, Regional Studies 39, 255–273. The paper …
and Germany: in what sense regional policies?, Regional Studies 39, 255–273. The paper …
Neural payoff machines: Predicting fair and stable payoff allocations among team members
In many multi-agent settings, participants can form teams to achieve collective outcomes that
may far surpass their individual capabilities. Measuring the relative contributions of agents …
may far surpass their individual capabilities. Measuring the relative contributions of agents …
On the computational complexity of weighted voting games
Coalitional games provide a useful tool for modeling cooperation in multiagent systems. An
important special class of coalitional games is weighted voting games, in which each player …
important special class of coalitional games is weighted voting games, in which each player …
False-name manipulations in weighted voting games
Weighted voting is a classic model of cooperation among agents in decision-making
domains. In such games, each player has a weight, and a coalition of players wins the game …
domains. In such games, each player has a weight, and a coalition of players wins the game …
Complexity of coalition structure generation
We revisit the coalition structure generation problem in which the goal is to partition the
players into exhaustive and disjoint coalitions so as to maximize the social welfare. One of …
players into exhaustive and disjoint coalitions so as to maximize the social welfare. One of …