Radar for hydrology: Unfulfilled promise or unrecognized potential?

A Berne, WF Krajewski - Advances in Water Resources, 2013 - Elsevier
Hydrology requires accurate and reliable rainfall input. Because of the strong spatial and
temporal variability of precipitation, estimation of spatially distributed rain rates is …

Recent progress in dual-polarization radar research and applications in China

K Zhao, H Huang, M Wang, WC Lee, G Chen… - … in Atmospheric Sciences, 2019 - Springer
Abstract Dual-polarization (dual-pol) radar can measure additional parameters that provide
more microphysical information of precipitation systems than those provided by conventional …

Cloud microphysics retrieval using S-band dual-polarization radar measurements

J Vivekanandan, DS Zrnic, SM Ellis… - Bulletin of the …, 1999 - journals.ametsoc.org
Recent studies have shown the utility of polarimetric radar observables and derived fields for
discrimination of hydrometeor particle types. Because the values of the radar observables …

[KNIHA][B] Weather radar polarimetry

G Zhang - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
This book presents the fundamentals of polarimetric radar remote sensing through
understanding wave scattering and propagation in geophysical media filled with …

Correcting C-band radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity data for rain attenuation: A self-consistent method with constraints

VN Bringi, TD Keenan… - IEEE transactions on …, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Quantitative use of C-band radar measurements of reflectivity (Z/sub h/) and differential
reflectivity (Z/sub dr/) demands the use of accurate attenuation-correction procedures …

[PDF][PDF] Principles and Applications of Dual-Polarization Weather Radar. Part II: Warm-and Cold-Season Applications.

MR KUMJIAN - Journal of Operational Meteorology, 2013 - nwafiles.nwas.org
In this second part of the series, an overview of applications of polarimetric radar
observations is given. This includes a summary of improvements to data quality, and …

Potential utilization of specific attenuation for rainfall estimation, mitigation of partial beam blockage, and radar networking

A Ryzhkov, M Diederich, P Zhang… - Journal of Atmospheric …, 2014 - journals.ametsoc.org
The potential utilization of specific attenuation A for rainfall estimation, mitigation of partial
beam blockage, and radar networking is investigated. The R (A) relation is less susceptible …

A robust C-band hydrometeor identification algorithm and application to a long-term polarimetric radar dataset

B Dolan, SA Rutledge, S Lim… - Journal of Applied …, 2013 - journals.ametsoc.org
Abstract A new 10-category, polarimetric-based hydrometeor identification algorithm (HID)
for C band is developed from theoretical scattering simulations including wet snow, hail, and …

[HTML][HTML] Advantages of rain measurements using specific differential phase

DS Zrnić, A Ryzhkov - Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic …, 1996 - journals.ametsoc.org
The following advantages of rain measurements using specific differential phase are
examined: 1) immunity to beam blockage, 2) immunity to ground clutter canceling, and 3) …

Testing a procedure for automatic classification of hydrometeor types

DS Zrnić, A Ryzhkov, J Straka, Y Liu… - … of Atmospheric and …, 2001 - journals.ametsoc.org
Examples of automatic interpretation of polarimetric measurements made with an algorithm
that classifies precipitation, from an Oklahoma squall line and a Florida airmass storm are …