[HTML][HTML] The vital roles of blue foods in the global food system
Blue foods play a central role in food and nutrition security for billions of people and are a
cornerstone of the livelihoods, economies, and cultures of many coastal and riparian …
cornerstone of the livelihoods, economies, and cultures of many coastal and riparian …
Defining small-scale fisheries and examining the role of science in sha** perceptions of who and what counts: a systematic review
Small-scale fisheries (SSF) have long been overshadowed by the concerns and perceived
importance of the industrial sector in fisheries science and policy. Yet in recent decades …
importance of the industrial sector in fisheries science and policy. Yet in recent decades …
Catching industrial fishing incursions into inshore waters of Africa from space
Small‐scale fisheries contribute substantially to the sustainability of coastal communities by
providing livelihood and economic opportunities and ensuring food security. However, their …
providing livelihood and economic opportunities and ensuring food security. However, their …
Multi‐specific small‐scale fisheries rely on few, locally essential, species: Evidence from a multi‐area study in the Mediterranean
Achieving sound management of small‐scale fisheries (SSFs) is globally recognized a key
priority for sustaining livelihoods, local economies, social wealth and cultural heritage in …
priority for sustaining livelihoods, local economies, social wealth and cultural heritage in …
Ecology and the science of small-scale fisheries: A synthetic review of research effort for the Anthropocene
Human-driven changes to aquatic environments threaten small-scale fisheries (SSFs).
Ensuring a livable future for SSFs in the Anthropocene requires incorporating ecological …
Ensuring a livable future for SSFs in the Anthropocene requires incorporating ecological …
Vulnerabilities of northern Peruvian small-scale fishing communities revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic
During periods of abrupt change, understanding sources of resilience for adaptability in
small-scale fisheries (SSF) is important for enhancing their sustainability. This study aimed …
small-scale fisheries (SSF) is important for enhancing their sustainability. This study aimed …
Predicting important fishing grounds for the small-scale fishery, based on Automatic Identification System records, catches, and environmental data
Effective and sustainable management of small-scale fisheries (SSF) is challenging. We
describe a novel approach to identify important fishing grounds for SSF, by implementing a …
describe a novel approach to identify important fishing grounds for SSF, by implementing a …
Population dynamics of Anadara antiquata of east coast of Aceh, Indonesia
Azmi F, Mawardi AL, Sinaga S, Nurdin MS, Febri SP, Haser TF. 2021. Population dynamics
of Anadara antiquata of East Coast of Aceh, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 436-442. Small …
of Anadara antiquata of East Coast of Aceh, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 436-442. Small …
Common but differentiated rights and responsibilities in tuna fisheries management
The UN Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) and one of the implementing agreements of the
Convention—the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA)—mandates all states to cooperate in …
Convention—the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA)—mandates all states to cooperate in …
Balanced harvest as a potential management strategy for tropical small-scale fisheries
Tropical small-scale fisheries (SSFs) are characterised by their multidimensionality (fleets,
gears, habitats, and species). As many targeted species move between habitats throughout …
gears, habitats, and species). As many targeted species move between habitats throughout …