Challenges and improvements in distributed software development: A systematic review
Distributed Software Development (DSD) has recently evolved, resulting in an increase in
the available literature. Organizations now have a tendency to make greater development …
the available literature. Organizations now have a tendency to make greater development …
Distributed scrum: a case meta-analysis
Distributed Scrum adapts the Scrum project management framework for geographically
distributed software teams. Experimentally evaluating the effectiveness of Distributed Scrum …
distributed software teams. Experimentally evaluating the effectiveness of Distributed Scrum …
[BOK][B] Succeeding with agile: software development using Scrum
M Cohn - 2010 -
Proven, 100% Practical Guidance for Making Scrum and Agile Work in Any Organization
This is the definitive, realistic, actionable guide to starting fast with Scrum and agile-and then …
This is the definitive, realistic, actionable guide to starting fast with Scrum and agile-and then …
Belief & evidence in empirical software engineering
Empirical software engineering has produced a steady stream of evidence-based results
concerning the factors that affect important outcomes such as cost, quality, and interval …
concerning the factors that affect important outcomes such as cost, quality, and interval …
[PDF][PDF] Does distributed development affect software quality? an empirical case study of windows vista
Existing literature on distributed development in software engineering, and other fields
discusses various challenges, including cultural barriers, expertise transfer difficulties, and …
discusses various challenges, including cultural barriers, expertise transfer difficulties, and …
Project managers in global software development teams: a study of the effects on productivity and performance
Globalization is having a deep impact on today's world economy. One of the most affected
industries is the software industry. Recently, global software development (GSD) has gained …
industries is the software industry. Recently, global software development (GSD) has gained …
Soft factors affecting the performance of software development teams
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to classify the factors affecting the performance of
software development teams and stress the soft (non‐technical) factors affecting the …
software development teams and stress the soft (non‐technical) factors affecting the …
Agile vs. structured distributed software development: A case study
In globally distributed software development, does it matter being agile rather than
structured? To answer this question, this paper presents an extensive case study that …
structured? To answer this question, this paper presents an extensive case study that …
Configuring global software teams: a multi-company analysis of project productivity, quality, and profits
In this paper, we examined the impact of project-level configurational choices of globally
distributed software teams on project productivity, quality, and profits. Our analysis used data …
distributed software teams on project productivity, quality, and profits. Our analysis used data …
Improving code review effectiveness through reviewer recommendations
Effectively performing code review increases the quality of software and reduces occurrence
of defects. However, this requires reviewers with experiences and deep understandings of …
of defects. However, this requires reviewers with experiences and deep understandings of …