Challenges and improvements in distributed software development: A systematic review

M Jiménez, M Piattini, A Vizcaíno - Advances in Software …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Distributed Software Development (DSD) has recently evolved, resulting in an increase in
the available literature. Organizations now have a tendency to make greater development …

Distributed scrum: a case meta-analysis

RDS Santos, P Ralph, A Arshad, KJ Stol - ACM Computing Surveys, 2023 -
Distributed Scrum adapts the Scrum project management framework for geographically
distributed software teams. Experimentally evaluating the effectiveness of Distributed Scrum …

[BOK][B] Succeeding with agile: software development using Scrum

M Cohn - 2010 -
Proven, 100% Practical Guidance for Making Scrum and Agile Work in Any Organization
This is the definitive, realistic, actionable guide to starting fast with Scrum and agile-and then …

Belief & evidence in empirical software engineering

P Devanbu, T Zimmermann, C Bird - Proceedings of the 38th …, 2016 -
Empirical software engineering has produced a steady stream of evidence-based results
concerning the factors that affect important outcomes such as cost, quality, and interval …

[PDF][PDF] Does distributed development affect software quality? an empirical case study of windows vista

C Bird, N Nagappan, P Devanbu, H Gall… - Communications of the …, 2009 -
Existing literature on distributed development in software engineering, and other fields
discusses various challenges, including cultural barriers, expertise transfer difficulties, and …

Project managers in global software development teams: a study of the effects on productivity and performance

R Colomo-Palacios, C Casado-Lumbreras… - Software Quality …, 2014 - Springer
Globalization is having a deep impact on today's world economy. One of the most affected
industries is the software industry. Recently, global software development (GSD) has gained …

Soft factors affecting the performance of software development teams

G Purna Sudhakar, A Farooq, S Patnaik - … : An International Journal, 2011 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to classify the factors affecting the performance of
software development teams and stress the soft (non‐technical) factors affecting the …

Agile vs. structured distributed software development: A case study

HC Estler, M Nordio, CA Furia, B Meyer… - Empirical Software …, 2014 - Springer
In globally distributed software development, does it matter being agile rather than
structured? To answer this question, this paper presents an extensive case study that …

Configuring global software teams: a multi-company analysis of project productivity, quality, and profits

N Ramasubbu, M Cataldo, RK Balan… - Proceedings of the 33rd …, 2011 -
In this paper, we examined the impact of project-level configurational choices of globally
distributed software teams on project productivity, quality, and profits. Our analysis used data …

Improving code review effectiveness through reviewer recommendations

P Thongtanunam, RG Kula, AEC Cruz… - Proceedings of the 7th …, 2014 -
Effectively performing code review increases the quality of software and reduces occurrence
of defects. However, this requires reviewers with experiences and deep understandings of …