[HTML][HTML] In vitro anatomical models for nasal drug delivery

G Williams, JD Suman - Pharmaceutics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Nasal drug delivery has been utilized for locally acting diseases for decades. The nose is
also a portal to the systemic circulation and central nervous system (CNS). In the age of …

In vitro–in vivo correlation of intranasal drug deposition

S Le Guellec, S Ehrmann, L Vecellio - Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
In vitro–in vivo correlation (IVIVC) allows prediction of in vivo drug deposition from a nasally
inhaled drug based on in vitro drug measurements. In vitro measurements include physical …

Regional deposition of the allergens and micro-aerosols in the healthy human nasal airways

M Hazeri, M Faramarzi, S Sadrizadeh, G Ahmadi… - Journal of aerosol …, 2021 - Elsevier
The nasal cavity is the inlet to the human respiratory system and is responsible for the
olfactory sensation, filtering pollutant particulate matter, and humidifying the air. Many …

Laboratory performance testing of aqueous nasal inhalation products for droplet/particle size distribution: An assessment from the international pharmaceutical …

WH Doub, JM Suman, M Copley, AP Goodey… - AAPS …, 2023 - Springer
Although nasal inhalation products are becoming more and more important for the delivery
of medicines, characterization of these products for quality control and assessment of …

Characterizing the effects of nasal prong interfaces on aerosol deposition in a preterm infant nasal model

K Bass, MAM Momin, C Howe, G Aladwani… - AAPS …, 2022 - Springer
The objective of this study was to characterize the effects of multiple nasal prong interface
configurations on nasal depositional loss of pharmaceutical aerosols in a preterm infant …

Quantitative study of Artemisia pollens deposition in the upper airways of children with adenoidal hypertrophy

Z Hu, R Ma, Y Wang, M Lou, M Gong, B Wang… - Journal of Aerosol …, 2023 - Elsevier
Studies regarding the pollen transport and deposition in children nasal airways are still
scarce, especially the regional deposition doses, which is difficult to provide guidance for …

Dry powder inhaler deposition in the larynx and the risk of steroid inhaler laryngitis: A computational fluid dynamics study

S Dey, JM Bock, GJM Garcia - Journal of Aerosol Science, 2025 - Elsevier
Abstract Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs) are a mainstay in the treatment of obstructive
respiratory diseases, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) …

Influencing factors of particle deposition in the human nasal cavity

Y Guo, Y Tang, Y Su, D Sun - Laryngoscope Investigative …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Objective To review the existing literature on the application of computational fluid dynamics
methods to study nasal particle deposition and to summarize and analyze the factors …

[PDF][PDF] Age, Gender, Race: Disparities in COVID-19 Mortality Linked to Nose's Protective Functionality Against Cold, Dry, Polluted, and Infected Air

A Ishmatov - 2024 - preprints.org
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed significant disparities in disease severity and
mortality across various population groups and regions. These disparities cannot be …

Correlations to Estimate the Key Anatomical Dimensions of Pediatric Nasal Airways using Minimally Invasive Measurements of Intranasal Pressure Gradient

S Hosseini, TA Schuman, L Golshahi - Journal of Aerosol Medicine …, 2021 - liebertpub.com
Background: Understanding the morphology of nasal airways is important in determining the
nasal airway deposition of inhaled aerosol. Moreover, objective assessment of the anatomy …