The use of virtual reality in enhancing interdisciplinary research and education
Virtual Reality (VR) is increasingly being recognized for its educational potential and as an
effective way to convey new knowledge to people, it supports interactive and collaborative …
effective way to convey new knowledge to people, it supports interactive and collaborative …
Interactive highway construction simulation using game engine and virtual reality for education and training purpose
In a construction project, cranes are usually involved in the mobilization of materials and
equipment. Therefore, a well-planned crane movement on a construction job site increases …
equipment. Therefore, a well-planned crane movement on a construction job site increases …
A universal framework for systemizing the evaluation of immersive and collaborative performance
The capacity to visually represent innovative product/service ideas and concepts as well as
usage scenarios while anticipating the resulting User eXperience (UX) is extremely critical in …
usage scenarios while anticipating the resulting User eXperience (UX) is extremely critical in …
[HTML][HTML] Model-based training of manual procedures in automated production systems
Maintenance engineers deal with increasingly complex automated production systems,
characterized by increasing computerization or the addition of robots that collaborate with …
characterized by increasing computerization or the addition of robots that collaborate with …
Interaction in virtual environments-how to control the environment by using vr-glasses in the most immersive way
Not only in the gaming industry is Virtual Reality (VR) the new way to give users a new
experience–in engineering or production plant operation we also see first attempts at finding …
experience–in engineering or production plant operation we also see first attempts at finding …
Confiance et Technologie
L'Innovation Ouverte est un champ de recherche largement exploré et de nombreux
dispositifs technologiques sont développés pour soutenir l'implication des usagers, ou …
dispositifs technologiques sont développés pour soutenir l'implication des usagers, ou …
Interactive visualization of model dependencies in a transdisciplinary environment
Innovation processes are influenced by cyclical factors and involve many stakeholders from
different disciplines within a company. Working together in transdisciplinary teams can save …
different disciplines within a company. Working together in transdisciplinary teams can save …
Use of virtual and augmented reality as tools for visualization of information: A systematic review
Visualization of Information aims to present methodologies to optimize the cognition of the
agent that seeks to identify, segment and learn from information that can be presented in …
agent that seeks to identify, segment and learn from information that can be presented in …
Implementation of Chemical Process Virtualization Plant Based on Cloud Computing
J Xu - Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2018 -
This paper expounds the implementation of virtual plant for chemical processes with cloud
computing technology. With reference to domestic and foreign literature, we build a chemical …
computing technology. With reference to domestic and foreign literature, we build a chemical …
Decision Graph and Matrix Visualization during Interdisciplinary Engineering Collaboration
Today's mechatronic systems are becoming more and more complex as the development
and design processes require collaboration across multiple engineering disciplines. The …
and design processes require collaboration across multiple engineering disciplines. The …