Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in 2020
Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) is establishing itself as an essential
technique for the characterisation of materials. The number of specialised photoelectron …
technique for the characterisation of materials. The number of specialised photoelectron …
An experimentalist's guide to the matrix element in angle resolved photoemission
S Moser - Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related …, 2017 - Elsevier
Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is commonly known as a powerful
probe of the one-electron removal spectral function in ordered solid state. With increasing …
probe of the one-electron removal spectral function in ordered solid state. With increasing …
Altermagnetic lifting of Kramers spin degeneracy
Lifted Kramers spin degeneracy (LKSD) has been among the central topics of condensed-
matter physics since the dawn of the band theory of solids,. It underpins established practical …
matter physics since the dawn of the band theory of solids,. It underpins established practical …
Polaronic metal state at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
Interplay of spin, charge, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom in oxide heterostructures
results in a plethora of fascinating properties, which can be exploited in new generations of …
results in a plethora of fascinating properties, which can be exploited in new generations of …
Evidence for a Strong Topological Insulator Phase in
The complex electronic properties of ZrTe 5 have recently stimulated in-depth investigations
that assigned this material to either a topological insulator or a 3D Dirac semimetal phase …
that assigned this material to either a topological insulator or a 3D Dirac semimetal phase …
[BOK][B] Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES)
JC Woicik, J Woicik - 2016 - Springer
Photoelectron spectroscopy has its roots in the Nobel Prize-winning work of Albert Einstein
and Kai Siegbahn. It is therefore both an honor and a humbling experience to produce a …
and Kai Siegbahn. It is therefore both an honor and a humbling experience to produce a …
Calculating linear-response functions for finite temperatures on the basis of the alloy analogy model
A scheme is presented that is based on the alloy analogy model and allows one to account
for thermal lattice vibrations as well as spin fluctuations when calculating response …
for thermal lattice vibrations as well as spin fluctuations when calculating response …
Entanglement and manipulation of the magnetic and spin–orbit order in multiferroic Rashba semiconductors
Entanglement of the spin–orbit and magnetic order in multiferroic materials bears a strong
potential for engineering novel electronic and spintronic devices. Here, we explore the …
potential for engineering novel electronic and spintronic devices. Here, we explore the …
High-energy photoemission final states beyond the free-electron approximation
VN Strocov, LL Lev, F Alarab, P Constantinou… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
Abstract Three-dimensional (3D) electronic band structure is fundamental for understanding
a vast diversity of physical phenomena in solid-state systems, including topological phases …
a vast diversity of physical phenomena in solid-state systems, including topological phases …
Correlation, temperature and disorder: Recent developments in the one-step description of angle-resolved photoemission
J Braun, J Minár, H Ebert - Physics Reports, 2018 - Elsevier
Various apparative developments extended the potential of angle-resolved photoemission
spectroscopy tremendously during the last two decades. Modern experimental …
spectroscopy tremendously during the last two decades. Modern experimental …