Collective behavior of earthquakes and faults: Continuum‐discrete transitions, progressive evolutionary changes, and different dynamic regimes
Y Ben‐Zion - Reviews of Geophysics, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Crustal deformation patterns are affected by multiscale granulation and healing processes
associated with phase transitions between continuum and discrete states of rocks. The …
associated with phase transitions between continuum and discrete states of rocks. The …
Intra-continental earthquake swarms in West-Bohemia and Vogtland: a review
T Fischer, J Horálek, P Hrubcová, V Vavryčuk, K Bräuer… - Tectonophysics, 2014 - Elsevier
Earthquake swarms and high CO 2 flow of mantle origin are the characteristic features of
West Bohemia/Vogtland (Central Europe). At present, the highest concentration of …
West Bohemia/Vogtland (Central Europe). At present, the highest concentration of …
Earthquake focal mechanisms with distributed acoustic sensing
Earthquake focal mechanisms provide critical in-situ insights about the subsurface faulting
geometry and stress state. For frequent small earthquakes (magnitude< 3.5), their focal …
geometry and stress state. For frequent small earthquakes (magnitude< 3.5), their focal …
An upper-crust lid over the Long Valley magma chamber
Geophysical characterization of calderas is fundamental in assessing their potential for
future catastrophic volcanic eruptions. The mechanism behind the unrest of Long Valley …
future catastrophic volcanic eruptions. The mechanism behind the unrest of Long Valley …
Fluid‐faulting evolution in high definition: Connecting fault structure and frequency‐magnitude variations during the 2014 Long Valley Caldera, California, earthquake …
An extended earthquake swarm occurred beneath southeastern Long Valley Caldera
between May and November 2014, culminating in three magnitude 3.5 earthquakes and …
between May and November 2014, culminating in three magnitude 3.5 earthquakes and …
85.12 FOCMEC: FOCal MEChanism determinations
JA Snoke - International Geophysics Series, 2003 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
This chapter focuses on focal mechanism determinations (FOCMEC). Focmec, performs an
efficient, systematic search of the focal sphere and reports acceptable solutions based on …
efficient, systematic search of the focal sphere and reports acceptable solutions based on …
Earthquakes influenced by water
C Wang, M Manga - Water and Earthquakes, 2021 - Springer
Injecting fluids in the crust, or their extraction, changes pore pressure and poroelastic
stresses. Both pressure and stress changes can promote seismicity and, hence, the seismic …
stresses. Both pressure and stress changes can promote seismicity and, hence, the seismic …
A survey of 71 earthquake bursts across southern California: Exploring the role of pore fluid pressure fluctuations and aseismic slip as drivers
We investigate the cause of seismicity bursts by examining a waveform‐relocated catalog for
southern California between 1984 and 2002 and systematically identifying 71 isolated …
southern California between 1984 and 2002 and systematically identifying 71 isolated …
A fluid‐driven earthquake swarm on the margin of the Yellowstone caldera
Over the past several decades, the Yellowstone caldera has experienced frequent
earthquake swarms and repeated cycles of uplift and subsidence, reflecting dynamic …
earthquake swarms and repeated cycles of uplift and subsidence, reflecting dynamic …
Depth dependence of permeability in the Oregon Cascades inferred from hydrogeologic, thermal, seismic, and magmatic modeling constraints
We investigate the decrease in permeability, k, with depth, z, in the Oregon Cascades
employing four different methods. Each method provides insight into the average …
employing four different methods. Each method provides insight into the average …