Swarm body: Embodied swarm robots
The human brain's plasticity allows for the integration of artificial body parts into the human
body. Leveraging this, embodied systems realize intuitive interactions with the environment …
body. Leveraging this, embodied systems realize intuitive interactions with the environment …
The effects of avatar and environment design on embodiment, presence, activation, and task load in a virtual reality exercise application
The development of embodied Virtual Reality (VR) systems involves multiple central design
choices. These design choices affect the user perception and therefore require thorough …
choices. These design choices affect the user perception and therefore require thorough …
Beyond immersion: Designing for reflection in virtual reality
Access to immersive virtual reality (VR) technology is increasingly becoming available to the
general population. However, the ability of VR to incite a state of high immersion and flow …
general population. However, the ability of VR to incite a state of high immersion and flow …
Unintentional synchronization with self-avatar for upper-and lower-body movements
L Boban, L Strauss, H Decroix, B Herbelin… - Frontiers in Virtual …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
The subjective experience of embodying an avatar when immersed in virtual reality (VR) is
known to support the sense of presence and to help with the interaction in a virtual …
known to support the sense of presence and to help with the interaction in a virtual …
Bodylab: in virtuo sculpting, painting and performing of full-body avatars
D Zeidler, M McGinity - Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Bodylab is a virtual reality system for creating full-body virtual reality avatars. It provides
anatomically realistic mannequins as canvases, which can be painted and textured …
anatomically realistic mannequins as canvases, which can be painted and textured …
Eye fixations and electrodermal activity during low‐budget virtual reality embodiment
As motion‐sensing devices become more accessible to consumers, it is important to
understand how users experience embodiment when using these devices. In our 3× 2 …
understand how users experience embodiment when using these devices. In our 3× 2 …
Evidence for a relationship between self-avatar fixations and perceived avatar similarity within low-cost virtual reality embodiment
In this study, we investigate potential relationships between avatar appearance and
viewpoint within the context of low-cost motion tracking using Body and Mirror factors. Six …
viewpoint within the context of low-cost motion tracking using Body and Mirror factors. Six …
[PDF][PDF] 立体音響と振動の組み合わせによる仮想耳の身体所有感の検討
米谷侑起, 松村直季, 米澤朋子 - 研究報告ヒューマン …, 2023 - res.kutc.kansai-u.ac.jp
本研究では, 人間に存在しない仮想空間内のアバタが備える首後方の第 3, 第 4
の仮想の耳に対して, アバタの後方からの三人称視点で振動モータによる振動フィードバックと手を …
の仮想の耳に対して, アバタの後方からの三人称視点で振動モータによる振動フィードバックと手を …
Being Transformed から Cybernetic Being へ—人間拡張における物語的転回—
鳴海拓志 - 人工知能, 2023 - jstage.jst.go.jp
して組み上げていくプロセスは, 教育学や発達心理学などで研究されてきた. しかし,
身体的自己の変容が物語的自己にどのような影響を与えるのか, そして物語的自己が身体的自己 …
身体的自己の変容が物語的自己にどのような影響を与えるのか, そして物語的自己が身体的自己 …
N Iwane, Y Yamahira, M Yamaguchi - ICERI2024 Proceedings, 2024 - library.iated.org
In the era of the 100-year life, continuous learning, working on health, and having a sense of
purpose in life are becoming increasingly important issues, especially for the elderly. While …
purpose in life are becoming increasingly important issues, especially for the elderly. While …