[CARTE][B] Ways of sensing: Understanding the senses in society

D Howes, C Classen - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Ways of Sensing is a stimulating exploration of the cultural, historical and political
dimensions of the world of the senses. The book spans a wide range of settings and makes …

[CARTE][B] Remap** sound studies

G Steingo, J Sykes - 2019 - books.google.com
The contributors to Remap** Sound Studies intervene in current trends and practices in
sound studies by reorienting the field toward the global South. Attending to disparate …

Sound studies without auditory culture: a critique of the ontological turn

B Kane - Sound Studies, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract 'Sound studies' and 'auditory culture'are terms often used synonymously to
designate a broad, heterogeneous, interdisciplinary field of inquiry. Yet a potential …

[CARTE][B] Theatre and aural attention: stretching ourselves

G Home-Cook - 2015 - Springer
Theatre and Aural Attention investigates what it is to attend theatre by means of listening.
Focusing on four core aural phenomena in theatre–noise, designed sound, silence, and …

[CARTE][B] Recording analysis: How the record shapes the song

W Moylan - 2020 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Recording Analysis: How the Record Shapes the Song identifies and explains how the
sounds imparted by recording processes enhance the artistry and expression of recorded …

Acoustic multinaturalism, the value of nature, and the nature of music in ecomusicology

AMO Gautier - boundary 2, 2016 - read.dukeupress.edu
This essay is a critique of the notions of nature and culture, as operationalized by the
recently named field ecomusicology. While fields such as anthropology and history have …

[CARTE][B] The Routledge encyclopedia of film theory

E Branigan, W Buckland - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory is an international reference work representing
the essential ideas and concepts at the centre of film theory from the beginning of the …

[CARTE][B] Digital sound studies

MC Lingold, D Mueller, W Trettien - 2018 - library.oapen.org
The digital turn has created new opportunities for scholars across disciplines to use sound in
their scholarship. This volume's contributors provide a blueprint for making sound central to …

'Let's have some music': Sound, gender and car mobility

G Waitt, T Harada, M Duffy - Mobilities, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This paper draws on a visceral approach to explore the role of sound/music for people who
drive cars. We examine the ways in which gendered subjectivities emerge from the …

Sound information: sonification in the age of complex data and digital audio

A Supper - Information & Culture, 2015 - JSTOR
In recent years, sonification—the auditory display of data—has received increasing media
attention and been presented as a solution to the challenges posed by large, complex …