Surface magnetization in antiferromagnets: Classification, example materials, and relation to magnetoelectric responses
We use symmetry analysis and density-functional theory to determine and characterize
surface terminations that have a finite equilibrium magnetization density in antiferromagnetic …
surface terminations that have a finite equilibrium magnetization density in antiferromagnetic …
Toward fully multiferroic van der waals spinfets: Basic design and quantum calculations
Manipulating spin transport enhances the functionality of electronic devices, allowing them
to surpass physical constraints related to speed and power. For this reason, the use of van …
to surpass physical constraints related to speed and power. For this reason, the use of van …
Nonrelativistic ferromagnetotriakontadipolar order and spin splitting in hematite
We show that hematite, α-Fe 2 O 3, below its Morin transition, has a ferroic ordering of rank-5
magnetic triakontadipoles on the Fe ions. In the absence of spin-orbit coupling, these are the …
magnetic triakontadipoles on the Fe ions. In the absence of spin-orbit coupling, these are the …
Model for nonrelativistic topological multiferroic matter
We provide a model capable of accounting for the multiferroicity in certain materials. The
model's base is on free electrons and spin moments coupled within nonrelativistic quantum …
model's base is on free electrons and spin moments coupled within nonrelativistic quantum …
Emerging topological multiferroics from the 2D Rice-Mele model
We introduce a two-dimensional dimerized lattice model that reveals a remarkable feature:
the emergence of a complex, non-trivial topological multiferroic phase marked by zero Berry …
the emergence of a complex, non-trivial topological multiferroic phase marked by zero Berry …
Large dynamical magnetic effective charges and antimagnetoelectricity from spin and orbital origin in multiferroic
Using first-principles calculations, we explore the magnetoelectric properties of the room-
temperature multiferroic crystal BiCoO 3. We use both applied magnetic field and finite …
temperature multiferroic crystal BiCoO 3. We use both applied magnetic field and finite …
Case for Bragg diffraction by a noncollinear -symmetric antiferromagnet
SW Lovesey, G van der Laan - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Antiferromagnetic compounds chromium sesquioxide (C r 2 O 3) and dioxomolybdenum
selenite present linear magnetoelectric effects. Anti-inversion symmetry in the corresponding …
selenite present linear magnetoelectric effects. Anti-inversion symmetry in the corresponding …
Modulation of magnetic and multiferroic properties by chemical substitution in
The magnetic field (H)-induced second magnetic ordering and exotic multiferroic behavior in
the L-type ferrimagnet (L-FiM) Fe 2 (Mo O 4) 3, as reported elsewhere [Tiwari, Phys. Rev …
the L-type ferrimagnet (L-FiM) Fe 2 (Mo O 4) 3, as reported elsewhere [Tiwari, Phys. Rev …
Large dynamical magnetic effective charges in the Jahn-Teller KCoF
B Guster, M Braun, E Bousquet - arxiv preprint arxiv:2411.00974, 2024 - arxiv.org
We compute from density functional theory calculations the dynamical magnetic effective
charges of the Jahn-Teller ground state of KCoF $ _3 $ and we unexpectedly obtain the …
charges of the Jahn-Teller ground state of KCoF $ _3 $ and we unexpectedly obtain the …
Local Magnetoelectric Effects as a Predictor of Surface Magnetic Order
We use symmetry analysis and density functional theory to show that changes in magnetic
order at a surface with respect to magnetic order in the bulk can be generically determined …
order at a surface with respect to magnetic order in the bulk can be generically determined …