[HTML][HTML] Synthetic frequency dimensions in dynamically modulated ring resonators

L Yuan, A Dutt, S Fan - APL Photonics, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
The concept of synthetic dimensions in photonics has attracted rapidly growing interest in
the past few years. Among a variety of photonic systems, the ring resonator system under …

Discrete diffraction and Bloch oscillations in non-Hermitian frequency lattices induced by complex photonic gauge fields

C Qin, B Wang, ZJ Wong, S Longhi, P Lu - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
Non-Hermitian lattice systems with unconventional transport phenomena and topological
effects have attracted intensive attention recently. Non-Hermiticity is generally introduced by …

Topological bound modes in optical waveguide arrays with alternating positive and negative couplings

N Fu, Z Fu, H Zhang, Q Liao, D Zhao, S Ke - Optical and Quantum …, 2020 - Springer
We investigate the topological bound modes in a binary waveguide array with alternating
positive and negative couplings. The negative coupling is realized by incorporating …

Engineering of functional topological transport in photonic waveguide arrays mimicking the extended Fock-state lattice

JN Zhang, JL Wu, C Lv, J Yao, J Song, YY Jiang - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
Topological edge pum**, as an efficient form of energy transfer protected by nontrivial
topology, connects the topological characters of a modulated system with its transport …

Multidimensional synthetic frequency lattice in the dynamically modulated waveguides

Z Liu, L Zheng, C Qin, B Wang, P Lu - Optics Letters, 2023 - opg.optica.org
Here we propose an effective method to construct a higher-dimensional synthetic frequency
lattice with an optical waveguide under dynamic modulation. By applying the traveling-wave …

Coulomb focusing in retrapped ionization with near-circularly polarized laser field

X Huang, Q Zhang, S Xu, X Fu, X Han, W Cao, P Lu - Optics Express, 2019 - opg.optica.org
The full three-dimensional photoelectron momentum distributions of argon are measured in
intense near-circularly polarized laser fields. We observed that the transverse momentum …

Synthetic frequency lattices from an integrated dispersive multi-color soliton

G Moille, C Menyuk, YK Chembo, A Dutt… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2022 - arxiv.org
Dissipative Kerr solitons (DKSs) in optical microresonators have been intensely studied from
the perspective of both fundamental nonlinear physics and portable and low power …

Topologically protected frequency control of broadband signals in dynamically modulated waveguide arrays

FS Piccioli, A Szameit, I Carusotto - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
We theoretically propose a synthetic frequency dimension scheme to control the spectrum of
a light beam propagating through an array of evanescently coupled waveguides modulated …

[HTML][HTML] Low threshold optical bistability in aperiodic PT-symmetric lattices composited with Fibonacci sequence dielectrics and graphene

D Zhao, B Xu, H Guo, W Xu, D Zhong, S Ke - Applied Sciences, 2019 - mdpi.com
We explore the optical bistability in aperiodic parity–time-symmetric (PT-symmetric) photonic
lattices that are composed of Fibonacci sequence dielectrics and graphene at terahertz …

Generation and manipulation of airy breathing solitons in an inhomogeneous medium with periodic potential

C Gao, B Wen, Y Deng, Y Fan, J Wei, D Chen - Photonics, 2023 - mdpi.com
The propagation characteristics of Airy beams in an inhomogeneous medium with periodic
potential are studied theoretically and numerically. The Gross–Pitaevskii equation was …