On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array

D Roemmich, MH Alford, H Claustre… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
The Argo Program has been implemented and sustained for almost two decades, as a
global array of about 4000 profiling floats. Argo provides continuous observations of ocean …

Satellite remote sensing of surface winds, waves, and currents: Where are we now?

D Hauser, S Abdalla, F Ardhuin, JR Bidlot… - Surveys in …, 2023 - Springer
This review paper reports on the state-of-the-art concerning observations of surface winds,
waves, and currents from space and their use for scientific research and subsequent …

Changing state of the climate system

SK Gulev, PW Thorne, J Ahn, FJ Dentener… - 2021 - centaur.reading.ac.uk
2 Chapter 2 assesses observed large-scale changes in climate system drivers, key climate
indicators and 3 principal modes of variability. Chapter 3 considers model performance and …

Human influence on the climate system (Chapter 3)

V Eyring, NP Gillett, KM Achuta Rao, R Barimalala… - 2021 - pure.iiasa.ac.at
The AR5 concluded that human influence on the climate system is clear, evident from
increasing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, positive radiative forcing …

The establishment of a pelagic Sargassum population in the tropical Atlantic: biological consequences of a basin-scale long distance dispersal event

EM Johns, R Lumpkin, NF Putman, RH Smith… - Progress in …, 2020 - Elsevier
Starting in 2011, coastal areas of the Caribbean Sea and tropical Atlantic Ocean began to
experience extraordinary yearly accumulations of pelagic Sargassum brown alga. Historical …

Impacts of teleconnection patterns on South America climate

MS Reboita, T Ambrizzi, NM Crespo… - Annals of the New …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Oceanic heat sources disturb the atmosphere, which, to come back to its initial state,
disperses waves. These waves affect the climate in remote regions, characterizing the …

High-efficiency chaotic time series prediction based on time convolution neural network

W Cheng, Y Wang, Z Peng, X Ren, Y Shuai… - Chaos, Solitons & …, 2021 - Elsevier
The prediction of chaotic time series is important for both science and technology. In recent
years, this type of prediction has improved significantly with the development of deep …

Model uncertainties in climate change impacts on Sahel precipitation in ensembles of CMIP5 and CMIP6 simulations

PA Monerie, CM Wainwright, M Sidibe, AA Akinsanola - Climate Dynamics, 2020 - Springer
The impact of climate change on Sahel precipitation suffers from large uncertainties and is
strongly model-dependent. In this study, we analyse sources of inter-model spread in Sahel …

Satellite‐based sea surface salinity designed for ocean and climate studies

J Boutin, N Reul, J Köhler, A Martin… - Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) is an increasingly used Essential Ocean and Climate
Variable. The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS), Aquarius, and Soil Moisture Active …

The global ocean ship-based hydrographic investigations program (GO-SHIP): a platform for integrated multidisciplinary ocean science

BM Sloyan, R Wanninkhof, M Kramp… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
The Global Ocean Ship-Based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP) provides a
globally coordinated network and oversight of 55 sustained decadal repeat hydrographic …