On the value of soil moisture measurements in vadose zone hydrology: A review
We explore and review the value of soil moisture measurements in vadose zone hydrology
with a focus on the field and catchment scales. This review is motivated by the increasing …
with a focus on the field and catchment scales. This review is motivated by the increasing …
[HTML][HTML] Towards a multisensor station for automated biodiversity monitoring
Rapid changes of the biosphere observed in recent years are caused by both small and
large scale drivers, like shifts in temperature, transformations in land-use, or changes in the …
large scale drivers, like shifts in temperature, transformations in land-use, or changes in the …
Heihe watershed allied telemetry experimental research (HiWATER): Scientific objectives and experimental design
A major research plan entitled “Integrated research on the ecohydrological process of the
Heihe River Basin” was launched by the National Natural Science Foundation of China in …
Heihe River Basin” was launched by the National Natural Science Foundation of China in …
OZCAR: The French network of critical zone observatories
Core Ideas OZCAR is a network of sites studying the critical zone. OZCAR covers various
disciplines. OZCAR will help disciplines to work together for a better representation and …
disciplines. OZCAR will help disciplines to work together for a better representation and …
Evaluating different machine learning methods for upscaling evapotranspiration from flux towers to the regional scale
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a vital variable for land‐atmosphere interactions that links surface
energy balance, water, and carbon cycles. The in situ techniques can measure ET …
energy balance, water, and carbon cycles. The in situ techniques can measure ET …
A network of terrestrial environmental observatories in Germany
Multicompartment and multiscale long-term observation and research are important
prerequisites to tackling the scientific challenges resulting from climate and global change …
prerequisites to tackling the scientific challenges resulting from climate and global change …
Potential of wireless sensor networks for measuring soil water content variability
Soil water content (SWC) plays a key role in partitioning water and energy fluxes at the land
surface and in controlling hydrologic fluxes such as groundwater recharge. Despite the …
surface and in controlling hydrologic fluxes such as groundwater recharge. Despite the …
Evaluation of a low-cost soil water content sensor for wireless network applications
Wireless sensor networks are a promising new in situ measurement technology for
monitoring soil water content changes with a high spatial and temporal resolution for large …
monitoring soil water content changes with a high spatial and temporal resolution for large …
Using long-term ecosystem service and biodiversity data to study the impacts and adaptation options in response to climate change: insights from the global ILTER …
The International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER) network can coordinate
ecological research to provide observations of the ecosystem changes, and their socio …
ecological research to provide observations of the ecosystem changes, and their socio …
A progressive crop-type classification using multitemporal remote sensing data and phenological information
K Heupel, D Spengler, S Itzerott - PFG–Journal of Photogrammetry …, 2018 - Springer
Local parameters for climate modelling are highly dependent on crop types and their
phenological growth stage. The land cover change of agricultural areas during the growing …
phenological growth stage. The land cover change of agricultural areas during the growing …