Bi-level and multi-level programming problems: taxonomy of literature review and research issues

K Lachhwani, A Dwivedi - Archives of Computational Methods in …, 2018 - Springer
This paper presents taxonomy of detailed literature reviews on bi-level programming
problems (BLPPs), multi-level programming problems (MLPPs) and associated research …

[HTML][HTML] TOPSIS for bi-level MODM problems

IA Baky, MA Abo-Sinna - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013 - Elsevier
TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution) is a multiple criteria
method to identify solutions from a finite set of alternatives based upon simultaneous …

Interactive balance space approach for solving multi-level multi-objective programming problems

MA Abo-Sinna, IA Baky - Information sciences, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper studies a multi-level multi-objective decision-making (ML-MODM) problems with
linear or non-linear constraints. The objective functions at each level are non-linear …

[HTML][HTML] Interactive approach for multi-level multi-objective fractional programming problems with fuzzy parameters

MS Osman, OE Emam, MA Elsayed - Beni-suef university journal of basic …, 2018 - Elsevier
In this paper, an interactive approach for solving multi-level multi-objective fractional
programming (ML-MOFP) problems with fuzzy parameters is presented. The proposed …

[HTML][HTML] Interactive TOPSIS algorithms for solving multi-level non-linear multi-objective decision-making problems

IA Baky - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper extended the concept of the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal
solution (TOPSIS) to develop a methodology for solving multi-level non-linear multi-objective …

Fuzzy goal programming procedure to bilevel multiobjectivelinear fractional programming problems

MA Abo-Sinna, IA Baky - International Journal of Mathematics …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
This paper presents a fuzzy goal programming (FGP) procedure for solving bilevel
multiobjective linear fractional programming (BL‐MOLFP) problems. It makes an extension …

[PDF][PDF] Interactivebi-level multi-objective integer non-linear programming problem

OE Emam - Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2011 -
This paper presents a bi-level multi-objective integer non-linear programming (BLMINP)
problem with linear or non-linear constraints and an interactive algorithm for solving such …

On bi-level tourism strategic plan problem in Egypt

TA Bakr, A Hassan, D Wafik - International Journal of Pure and …, 2014 -
Tourism is a major industry in Egypt and considers the backbone of the Egyptian economic
as one of every 6 Egyptians citizens employed in the tourism. So in another words, there are …

[PDF][PDF] Interactive Three-Level Multiobjective Stochastic Linear Programming (TL-MSLP) Problem

MMK Elshafei - Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2007 - Citeseer
In this study, consider three-level multiobjective stochastic linear programming (TL-MSLP)
problem with chance constraints. Assume that there is randomness in the left-hand sides of …

A Bibliography Survey on Fuzzy Multi Objective Programming Problems

S Siddi - Available at SSRN 3686483, 2020 -
This paper presents Bibliography of Research Papers/Books/Articles on the applications of
Operations Research related to Fuzzy Multi Objective Programming Problems between …