Impacts of large herbivores on terrestrial ecosystems
Large herbivores play unique ecological roles and are disproportionately imperiled by
human activity. As many wild populations dwindle towards extinction, and as interest grows …
human activity. As many wild populations dwindle towards extinction, and as interest grows …
Designing optimal human‐modified landscapes for forest biodiversity conservation
Agriculture and development transform forest ecosystems to human‐modified landscapes.
Decades of research in ecology have generated myriad concepts for the appropriate …
Decades of research in ecology have generated myriad concepts for the appropriate …
Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their services
Chapter 2, building on prior assessments, provides a global assessment of the observed
impacts and projected risks of climate change to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems …
impacts and projected risks of climate change to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems …
[KNJIGA][B] The economics of biodiversity
P Dasgupta - 2024 -
We are part of Nature, not separate from it. We rely on Nature to provide us with food, water
and shelter; regulate our climate and disease; maintain nutrient cycles and oxygen …
and shelter; regulate our climate and disease; maintain nutrient cycles and oxygen …
A global deal for nature: Guiding principles, milestones, and targets
The Global Deal for Nature (GDN) is a time-bound, science-driven plan to save the diversity
and abundance of life on Earth. Pairing the GDN and the Paris Climate Agreement would …
and abundance of life on Earth. Pairing the GDN and the Paris Climate Agreement would …
The exceptional value of intact forest ecosystems
As the terrestrial human footprint continues to expand, the amount of native forest that is free
from significant damaging human activities is in precipitous decline. There is emerging …
from significant damaging human activities is in precipitous decline. There is emerging …
Rewilding complex ecosystems
BACKGROUND Rapid global change is creating fundamental challenges for the persistence
of natural ecosystems and their biodiversity. Conservation efforts aimed at the protection of …
of natural ecosystems and their biodiversity. Conservation efforts aimed at the protection of …
Biodiversity losses and conservation responses in the Anthropocene
Biodiversity is essential to human well-being, but people have been reducing biodiversity
throughout human history. Loss of species and degradation of ecosystems are likely to …
throughout human history. Loss of species and degradation of ecosystems are likely to …
Impending extinction crisis of the world's primates: Why primates matter
Nonhuman primates, our closest biological relatives, play important roles in the livelihoods,
cultures, and religions of many societies and offer unique insights into human evolution …
cultures, and religions of many societies and offer unique insights into human evolution …
Wild meat is still on the menu: Progress in wild meat research, policy, and practice from 2002 to 2020
Several hundred species are hunted for wild meat in the tropics, supporting the diets,
customs, and livelihoods of millions of people. However, unsustainable hunting is one of the …
customs, and livelihoods of millions of people. However, unsustainable hunting is one of the …