Learning agility and talent management: A systematic review and future prospects.
The unprecedented complexity and unpredictability of the current business scenario—
amplified by the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic—require employees to constantly learn …
amplified by the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic—require employees to constantly learn …
Love your mistakes!—they help you adapt to change. How do knowledge, collaboration and learning cultures foster organizational intelligence?
Purpose The study aims to determine how the acceptance of mistakes is related to
adaptability to change in a broad organizational context. Therefore, it explores how …
adaptability to change in a broad organizational context. Therefore, it explores how …
Role of learning agility and learning culture on turnover intention: an empirical study
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of learning culture (LC) and
learning agility (LA) on employee's turnover intention (TI) in connection to information …
learning agility (LA) on employee's turnover intention (TI) in connection to information …
[PDF][PDF] The mediating role of learning agility on the relationship between work engagement and learning culture
This is an empirical study that explored the effect of learning culture on work engagement
and learning agility. A total of 67 respondents, mostly senior managers and directors, were …
and learning agility. A total of 67 respondents, mostly senior managers and directors, were …
Learning culture and knowledge management processes: To what extent are they effectively related?
In the contemporary context of high competitiveness between organizations, organizational
learning culture and knowledge management (KM) have been considered key concepts in …
learning culture and knowledge management (KM) have been considered key concepts in …
Is organizational learning culture a good bet? An analysis of its impact on organizational profitability and customer satisfaction
T Rebelo, AD Gomes - Academia Revista Latinoamericana de …, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose Interest in the relationship between organizational culture and performance is not
new but it still attracts considerable attention from researchers. In the literature on …
new but it still attracts considerable attention from researchers. In the literature on …
[PDF][PDF] The Inter-Relationship between Oritentations and SME's Performance.
This study has been carried out to observe the relation of strategic orientations (market and
learning) with SMEs' performance. This study was cross-sectional research using a …
learning) with SMEs' performance. This study was cross-sectional research using a …
Effective workgroups: The role of diversity and culture
The purpose of this study was to contribute to the clarification of the conditions under which
teams can be successful. To attain this goal, the direct and interactive effects of diversity and …
teams can be successful. To attain this goal, the direct and interactive effects of diversity and …
Wisdom from experience paradox: Organizational learning, mistakes, hierarchy and maturity issues
W Kucharska - Electronic Journal of Knowledge …, 2021 - academic-publishing.org
Organisations often perceive mistakes as indicators of negligence and low performance, yet
they can be a precious learning resource. However, organisations cannot learn from …
they can be a precious learning resource. However, organisations cannot learn from …
Improving the retention of employees through organisational learning culture: the mediating role of learning agility and the moderating role of gender
This study explores the role of learning agility (LA) as a mediator in the relationship between
organisational learning culture (OLC) and employee retention (ER) in an organisation and …
organisational learning culture (OLC) and employee retention (ER) in an organisation and …