[HTML][HTML] Smart farming: Internet of Things (IoT)-based sustainable agriculture
Smart farming is a development that has emphasized information and communication
technology used in machinery, equipment, and sensors in network-based hi-tech farm …
technology used in machinery, equipment, and sensors in network-based hi-tech farm …
Current progress and future prospects of agriculture technology: Gateway to sustainable agriculture
The agricultural industry is getting more data-centric and requires precise, more advanced
data and technologies than before, despite being familiar with agricultural processes. The …
data and technologies than before, despite being familiar with agricultural processes. The …
Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based smart agriculture: Toward making the fields talk
Despite the perception people may have regarding the agricultural process, the reality is that
today's agriculture industry is data-centered, precise, and smarter than ever. The rapid …
today's agriculture industry is data-centered, precise, and smarter than ever. The rapid …
[HTML][HTML] Analytical hierarchy process for sustainable agriculture: An overview
United nation sustainable development goal two (UNSDG-2) aims to achieve the eradication
of hunger along with the assurance of food security for all by 2030. This cannot be achieved …
of hunger along with the assurance of food security for all by 2030. This cannot be achieved …
Agricultural land suitability analysis: State-of-the-art and outlooks for integration of climate change analysis
Agricultural land suitability analysis (ALSA) for crop production is one of the key tools for
ensuring sustainable agriculture and for attaining the current global food security goal in line …
ensuring sustainable agriculture and for attaining the current global food security goal in line …
[HTML][HTML] Flood hazards and susceptibility detection for Ganga river, Bihar state, India: Employment of remote sensing and statistical approaches
ZM Yaseen - Results in Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
Climate change and flooding are related issues on the Earth's surface, while numerous
lowland areas, especially delta regions, are mostly affected by flood hazards. Hence, flood …
lowland areas, especially delta regions, are mostly affected by flood hazards. Hence, flood …
[HTML][HTML] Combination of fuzzy-AHP and GIS techniques in land suitability assessment for wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivation
Land suitability classification is a useful management practice to ensure planned and
sustainable use of agricultural lands according to their potentials. The main purposes of this …
sustainable use of agricultural lands according to their potentials. The main purposes of this …
Architectural threats to security and privacy: a challenge for internet of things (IoT) applications
The internet of things (IoT) is one of the growing platforms of the current era that has
encircled a large population into its domain, and life appears to be useless without adopting …
encircled a large population into its domain, and life appears to be useless without adopting …
[HTML][HTML] Land suitability investigation for solar power plant using GIS, AHP and multi-criteria decision approach: a case of megacity Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Renewable energy sources are the most necessitated natural energy to reduce fossil fuels
globally. Fossil fuel is the most valuable and limited resource on the planet, but on the other …
globally. Fossil fuel is the most valuable and limited resource on the planet, but on the other …
Determining agricultural suitable land in peri-urban geography using GIS and Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques
Land-use suitability analysis is of significance for the planning and management of cities.
The main objective of this study was to develop a spatial model for land suitability …
The main objective of this study was to develop a spatial model for land suitability …