The role of voltage-gated sodium channels in pain signaling
Acute pain signaling has a key protective role and is highly evolutionarily conserved.
Chronic pain, however, is maladaptive, occurring as a consequence of injury and disease …
Chronic pain, however, is maladaptive, occurring as a consequence of injury and disease …
Drug development in the era of precision medicine
For the past three decades, the use of genomics to inform drug discovery and development
pipelines has generated both excitement and scepticism. Although earlier efforts …
pipelines has generated both excitement and scepticism. Although earlier efforts …
[HTML][HTML] Nav1.7 as a chondrocyte regulator and therapeutic target for osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease. Currently there are no effective
methods that simultaneously prevent joint degeneration and reduce pain. Although limited …
methods that simultaneously prevent joint degeneration and reduce pain. Although limited …
Low back pain in older adults: risk factors, management options and future directions
Low back pain (LBP) is one of the major disabling health conditions among older adults
aged 60 years or older. While most causes of LBP among older adults are non-specific and …
aged 60 years or older. While most causes of LBP among older adults are non-specific and …
[HTML][HTML] Toward a mechanism-based approach to pain diagnosis
The past few decades have witnessed a huge leap forward in our understanding of the
mechanistic underpinnings of pain, in normal states where it helps protect from injury, and …
mechanistic underpinnings of pain, in normal states where it helps protect from injury, and …
Non-specific low back pain
F Balagué, AF Mannion, F Pellisé, C Cedraschi - The lancet, 2012 - thelancet.com
Non-specific low back pain has become a major public health problem worldwide. The
lifetime prevalence of low back pain is reported to be as high as 84%, and the prevalence of …
lifetime prevalence of low back pain is reported to be as high as 84%, and the prevalence of …
Nociceptor sensitization in pain pathogenesis
MS Gold, GF Gebhart - Nature medicine, 2010 - nature.com
The incidence of chronic pain is estimated to be 20–25% worldwide. Few patients with
chronic pain obtain complete relief from the drugs that are currently available, and more than …
chronic pain obtain complete relief from the drugs that are currently available, and more than …
Mechanisms of osteoarthritic pain. Studies in humans and experimental models
A Eitner, GO Hofmann, HG Schaible - Frontiers in molecular …, 2017 - frontiersin.org
Pain due to osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most frequent causes of chronic pain. However,
the mechanisms of OA pain are poorly understood. This review addresses the mechanisms …
the mechanisms of OA pain are poorly understood. This review addresses the mechanisms …
The NaV1.7 sodium channel: from molecule to man
SD Dib-Hajj, Y Yang, JA Black… - Nature Reviews …, 2013 - nature.com
The voltage-gated sodium channel NaV1. 7 is preferentially expressed in peripheral somatic
and visceral sensory neurons, olfactory sensory neurons and sympathetic ganglion neurons …
and visceral sensory neurons, olfactory sensory neurons and sympathetic ganglion neurons …
Regulating excitability of peripheral afferents: emerging ion channel targets
The transmission and processing of pain signals relies critically on the activities of ion
channels that are expressed in afferent pain fibers. This includes voltage-gated channels, as …
channels that are expressed in afferent pain fibers. This includes voltage-gated channels, as …