A phase-field approach to model multi-axial and microstructure dependent fracture in nuclear grade graphite

P Chakraborty, P Sabharwall, MC Carroll - Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2016 - Elsevier
The fracture behavior of nuclear grade graphites is strongly influenced by underlying
microstructural features such as the character of filler particles, and the distribution of pores …

Cross section TEM characterization of high-energy-Xe-irradiated U-Mo

B Ye, L Jamison, Y Miao, S Bhattacharya… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2017 - Elsevier
U-Mo alloys irradiated with 84 MeV Xe ions to various doses were characterized with
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy …

Irradiation behavior of ground and atomized U-7Mo dispersion fuels irradiated to low burnup

C Smith, M Saoudi, D Keiser, S Corbett - Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2024 - Elsevier
This study investigates the irradiation behavior of U-7Mo fuels, examining matrix effects,
fission gas pore (FGP) morphology, and uranium carbide (UC) inclusions. Comparisons …

MeV per nucleon ion irradiation of nuclear materials with high energy synchrotron X-ray characterization

MJ Pellin, AM Yacout, K Mo, J Almer… - Journal of nuclear …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract The combination of MeV/Nucleon ion irradiation (eg 133 MeV Xe) and high energy
synchrotron x-ray characterization (eg at the Argonne Advanced Photon Source, APS) …

High-energy synchrotron study of in-pile-irradiated U–Mo fuels

Y Miao, K Mo, B Ye, L Jamison, ZG Mei, J Gan, B Miller… - Scripta Materialia, 2016 - Elsevier
Here synchrotron scattering analysis results on U–7wt.% Mo fuel specimens irradiated in the
Advanced Test Reactor to three burnup levels (3.0, 5.2, and 6.3× 10 21 fission/cm 3) are …

Research reactor fuels

MK Meyer, DD Keiser Jr, JF Jue, E Shaber - Advances in nuclear fuel …, 2020 - Elsevier
Approximately 250 research and test reactors are used for materials research, education
and training, neutron scattering, isotope production, and materials research in 55 countries …

Applications of heavy ion linear accelerator for studies of radiation effects in nuclear fuel and structural materials

AM Yacout - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
Several existing ion irradiation facilities in the US are being used for accelerated testing of
materials to support the DOE-NE mission related to investigation of nuclear materials …

Effectiveness of the metal coating on U–7Mo dispersion fuel in Al during irradiation

S Kim, YS Kim, YJ Jeong, K Mo, Y Miao, B Ye… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2020 - Elsevier
The effectiveness of a transition metal coating layer as a diffusion barrier between the UMo
and matrix Al was examined. The samples were cut from KAERI-made U–Mo/Al dispersion …

Microstructure evolution and phase transformation of heavy-ion irradiated U–Mo/Al fuels

J Shi, C Onofri, H Palancher, X Iltis, D Drouan… - Journal of nuclear …, 2020 - Elsevier
The microstructure evolution and phase transformation of the interdiffusion layer resulting
from the interaction between U–Mo and Al in U–Mo/Al bilayer systems irradiated from 140° …

Development of Nitride Coating Using Atomic Layer Deposition for Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Powder

S Bhattacharya - 2017 - search.proquest.com
High-performance research reactors require fuel that operates at high specific power and
can withstand high fission density, but at relatively low temperatures. The design of the …