[KNJIGA][B] Digital Signal Processing: A Breadth-first Approach
The subject of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is enormously complex, involving many
concepts, probabilities, and signal processing that are woven together in an intricate …
concepts, probabilities, and signal processing that are woven together in an intricate …
[KNJIGA][B] Electronic Signals and Systems: Analysis, Design and Applications
The subject of Signals and Systems is enormously complex, involving many concepts such
as signals, mathematics and filter design that are woven together in an intricate manner. To …
as signals, mathematics and filter design that are woven together in an intricate manner. To …
Direct method with random optimization for loudspeaker equalization using IIR parametric filters
A direct method that uses a random optimization process is proposed for the design of
parametric IIR (infinite impulse response) filters for audio equalization. The method uses the …
parametric IIR (infinite impulse response) filters for audio equalization. The method uses the …
Automatic synthesis of boolean functions on xilinx and actel programmable devices
P Sicard, M Crastes, K Sakouti, G Saucier - Euro ASIC'91, 1991 - computer.org
A direct method that uses a random optimization process is proposed for the design of
parametric IIR (infinite impulse response) filters for audio equalization. The method uses the …
parametric IIR (infinite impulse response) filters for audio equalization. The method uses the …
Low Order IIR Parametric Loudspeaker Equalization, A Psychoacoustic Approach
J Lopez, G Ramos - Audio Engineering Society Convention 118, 2005 - aes.org
This paper presents an efficient loudspeaker equalization algorithm combining a novel filter
optimization method with a psychoacoustic model. The equalizer topology is based on a …
optimization method with a psychoacoustic model. The equalizer topology is based on a …
Direct Method with Random Optimization for Parametric IIR Audio Equalization-Applications to One Way and Multiway Systems
G Ramos, JJ Lopez - Audio Engineering Society Convention 116, 2004 - aes.org
This paper presents a novel method for audio equalization using IIR (Infinite Impulse
Response) filters. The algorithm is based on a direct method with a random parametric …
Response) filters. The algorithm is based on a direct method with a random parametric …
[PDF][PDF] Using The Low-Cost, High Performance ADSP-21065L Digital Signal Processor For Digital Audio Applications
J Tomarakos, D Ledger - Analog Devices Application Note, 1998 - gunthard-kraus.de
This document will serve as an introduction for those new to digital signal processing with
interests in digital audio. It will first cover important DSP features for use in audio application …
interests in digital audio. It will first cover important DSP features for use in audio application …
[PDF][PDF] Interfacing the ADSP-21161 SIMD SHARC DSP to the AD1836 (24-bit/96kHz) Multichannel Codec
J Tomarakos - Analog Devices, 2001 - Citeseer
This application note describes how to interface the ADSP-21161 to the AD1836 for use in
professional, consumer, or automotive audio systems. Using the AD1836 gives the DSP …
professional, consumer, or automotive audio systems. Using the AD1836 gives the DSP …
[KNJIGA][B] Decimation Lowpass Filters for Sigma-Delta Modulators: A Comparative Study
R Kusch - 2002 - books.google.com
Inhaltsangabe: Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to compare several filter topologies
used for the decimation of sigma-delta modulated digital signals. The goal is to present …
used for the decimation of sigma-delta modulated digital signals. The goal is to present …
Filter Hardware Cost Reduction by Means of Error Feedback
J Stastny, L Ruckay - 2007 17th International Conference …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The article presents an uncommon application of the error feedback-improved IIR filter. A
simple method to reduce the hardware cost (silicon area) of the biquadratic section …
simple method to reduce the hardware cost (silicon area) of the biquadratic section …