Mantle flow in subduction systems and its effects on surface tectonics and magmatism
Mantle flow triggered by subduction has a crucial role in the evolution of surface tectonics
and volcanism. In this Review, we explore how patterns of mantle flow, particularly those in …
and volcanism. In this Review, we explore how patterns of mantle flow, particularly those in …
A reformulation of the Browaeys and Chevrot decomposition of elastic maps
W Tape, C Tape - Journal of Elasticity, 2024 - Springer
An elastic map T associates stress with strain in some material. A symmetry of T is a rotation
of the material that leaves T unchanged, and the symmetry group of T consists of all such …
of the material that leaves T unchanged, and the symmetry group of T consists of all such …
Modeling multi‐material structural patterns in tectonic flow with a discontinuous Galerkin level set method
We formulate a numerical framework, in both 2d and 3d, to model the structural patterns
emerging from cree** viscous flow typically encountered in long‐term ductile lithospheric …
emerging from cree** viscous flow typically encountered in long‐term ductile lithospheric …
PyDRex: Predicting crystallographic preferred orientation in peridotites under steady-state and time-dependent strain
Crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of peridotite minerals is frequently invoked to
explain the widespread dependence of seismic wave speed on propagation direction in …
explain the widespread dependence of seismic wave speed on propagation direction in …
A spectral directors method for modeling the coupled evolution of flow and CPO in polycrystalline olivine
The crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of polycrystalline olivine affects both the
viscous and seismic anisotropy of Earth's upper mantle with wide geodynamical …
viscous and seismic anisotropy of Earth's upper mantle with wide geodynamical …
ECOMAN: an open-source package for geodynamic and seismological modelling of mechanical anisotropy
Mechanical anisotropy related to rock fabrics is a proxy for constraining the Earth's
deformation patterns. However, the forward and inverse modelling of mechanical anisotropy …
deformation patterns. However, the forward and inverse modelling of mechanical anisotropy …
Anisotropy and XKS splitting from geodynamic models of double subduction: testing the limits of interpretation
The analysis of the splitting signature of XKS phases is crucial for constraining seismic
anisotropy patterns, especially in complex subduction settings such as outward-dip** …
anisotropy patterns, especially in complex subduction settings such as outward-dip** …
Impact of rift history on the structural style of intracontinental rift-inversion orogens
Although many collisional orogens form after subduction of oceanic lithosphere between two
continents, some orogens result from strain localization within a continent via inversion of …
continents, some orogens result from strain localization within a continent via inversion of …
[PDF][PDF] Lower mantle anisotropy due to plume generation from Large Low-Shear-Velocity Provinces
P Roy - 2024 - d-nb.info
Seismic anisotropy, characterized by wave propagation that varies with direction, is likely to
be observed in the lowermost few hundred kilometers of the mantle, especially at the …
be observed in the lowermost few hundred kilometers of the mantle, especially at the …
The importance of anisotropic viscosity in numerical models, for olivine textures in shear and subduction deformations
Olivine lattice preferred orientation (LPO), or texture, forms in relation to deformation
mechanisms such as dislocation creep and can be observed in the upper mantle as seismic …
mechanisms such as dislocation creep and can be observed in the upper mantle as seismic …