Dispersal reduction: causes, genomic mechanisms, and evolutionary consequences
Recent biological analyses suggest that reductions in dispersal ability have been key drivers
of diversification across numerous lineages. We synthesise emerging data to highlight …
of diversification across numerous lineages. We synthesise emerging data to highlight …
Colonization time on island settings: lessons from the Hawaiian and Canary Island floras
Molecular dating offers a tool for inferring the time of divergence between two lineages. In
this study, we discuss how dated molecular reconstructions are informative of two different …
this study, we discuss how dated molecular reconstructions are informative of two different …
A unified model of species abundance, genetic diversity, and functional diversity reveals the mechanisms structuring ecological communities
Biodiversity accumulates hierarchically by means of ecological and evolutionary processes
and feedbacks. Within ecological communities drift, dispersal, speciation, and selection …
and feedbacks. Within ecological communities drift, dispersal, speciation, and selection …
Demographic consequences of dispersal-related trait shift in two recently diverged taxa of montane grasshoppers
Although the pervasiveness of intraspecific wing-size polymorphism and transitions to
flightlessness have long captivated biologists, the demographic outcomes of shifts in …
flightlessness have long captivated biologists, the demographic outcomes of shifts in …
Archipelago-wide patterns of colonization and speciation among an endemic radiation of Galápagos land snails
Newly arrived species on young or remote islands are likely to encounter less predation and
competition than source populations on continental landmasses. The associated ecological …
competition than source populations on continental landmasses. The associated ecological …
Estimating the mean in the space of ranked phylogenetic trees
Motivation Reconstructing evolutionary histories of biological entities, such as genes, cells,
organisms, populations, and species, from phenotypic and molecular sequencing data is …
organisms, populations, and species, from phenotypic and molecular sequencing data is …
Into-India or out-of-India? Historical biogeography of the freshwater gastropod genus Pila (Caenogastropoda: Ampullariidae)
The biota of the Indian subcontinent was assembled through multiple associations with
various landmasses during a period spanning the Late Cretaceous to the present. It consists …
various landmasses during a period spanning the Late Cretaceous to the present. It consists …
Insight into the evolutionary history of Indoplanorbis exustus (Bulinidae: Gastropoda) at the scale of population and species
The history of a lineage is intertwined with the history of the landscape it inhabits. Here we
showcase how the geo-tectonic and climatic evolution of South Asia and surrounding …
showcase how the geo-tectonic and climatic evolution of South Asia and surrounding …
[HTML][HTML] Sea level rise and the evolution of aggression on islands
Why aggressive traits evolve in some species but not in others is poorly understood. We
modeled the population dynamics of the extinct Mauritius dodo and Rodrigues solitaire to …
modeled the population dynamics of the extinct Mauritius dodo and Rodrigues solitaire to …
Role of geography and climatic oscillations in governing into-India dispersal of freshwater snails of the family: Viviparidae
The indian subcontinent has experienced numerous paleogeological and paleoclimatic
events during the Cenozoic which shaped the biotic assembly over time in the subcontinent …
events during the Cenozoic which shaped the biotic assembly over time in the subcontinent …