Multiple large shareholders and corporate risk‐taking: Evidence from French family firms

S Boubaker, P Nguyen… - European Financial …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
We investigate the role of multiple large shareholders (MLS) in corporate risk‐taking. Using
a sample of publicly listed French family firms over the period 2003− 2012, we show that the …

The role of cross-shareholding in the green supply chain: Green contribution, power structure and coordination

Q **a, B Zhi, X Wang - International journal of production economics, 2021 - Elsevier
Although cross-shareholding has increasingly been adopted in the industry to improve
strategic synergy between companies, its role in the green supply chain is seldom …

Shareholding strategies for selling green products on online platforms in a two-echelon supply chain

D Ren, R Guo, Y Lan, C Shang - Transportation Research Part E: Logistics …, 2021 - Elsevier
Observing the practical vertical shareholding phenomena in platform retailing, this paper
considers two shareholding rates (forward and backward) and proposes three shareholding …

Passive vertical integration and strategic delegation

M Hunold, K Stahl - The RAND Journal of Economics, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
With backward acquisitions in their efficient supplier, downstream firms profitably internalize
the effects of their actions on their rivals' sales, while upstream competition is also relaxed …

Effect of equity holding on a supply chain's pricing and emission reduction decisions considering information sharing

L **a, Q Kong, Y Li, J Qin - Annals of operations research, 2023 - Springer
Against the backdrop of cap-and-trade regulations, we construct a low-carbon supply chain
in which a seller holds the manufacturer's equity. We investigate the impact of the seller's …

Effect of partial cross ownership on supply chain performance

J Chen, Q Hu, JS Song - European Journal of Operational Research, 2017 - Elsevier
Partial cross ownership (PCO) in a dyad supply chain refers to a situation where each firm
holds a portion of its partner's shares. We study this topic in push and pull supply chains …

Pricing and quality improvement strategies in a closed-loop supply chain with dual collection channel

AK Gaula, JK Jha - … Journal of Systems Science: Operations & …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents two-period closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) models considering
demand with and without replacement sales. A manufacturer produces a new product using …

Optimization and coordination of decentralized supply chains with vertical cross-shareholding

H Fu, Y Ma - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019 - Elsevier
We consider a decentralized supply chain in which an upstream firm sells a product to a
downstream firm, who faces a random demand. The upstream firm and the downstream firm …

Modelling low-carbon closed-loop supply chain considering channel power structures and cross-shareholding

J Sun, L Yang, T Shao, F Yao - RAIRO-Operations Research, 2023 -
Under the background of low-carbon economy, cross-shareholding is introduced into the
low-carbon closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) composed of a manufacturer and a retailer, a …

Supply chain coordination under asymmetric information and partial vertical integration

G Pishchulov, K Richter, S Golesorkhi - Annals of Operations Research, 2023 - Springer
Supply chain contracting is known to suffer from inefficiency in the presence of asymmetric
information. Full vertical integration would eliminate the informational inefficiency but can be …