Change detection-based co-seismic landslide map** through extended morphological profiles and ensemble strategy
Co-seismic landslide map** after earthquake event is essential for emergency rescue,
geohazard prevention, and post-disaster reconstruction. Most co-seismic landslide map** …
geohazard prevention, and post-disaster reconstruction. Most co-seismic landslide map** …
HR-GLDD: a globally distributed dataset using generalized deep learning (DL) for rapid landslide map** on high-resolution (HR) satellite imagery
Multiple landslide events occur often across the world which have the potential to cause
significant harm to both human life and property. Although a substantial amount of research …
significant harm to both human life and property. Although a substantial amount of research …
A new method to compile global multi-hazard event sets
This study presents a new method, the MYRIAD-Hazard Event Sets Algorithm (MYRIAD-
HESA), that compiles historically-based multi-hazard event sets. MYRIAD-HESA is a fully …
HESA), that compiles historically-based multi-hazard event sets. MYRIAD-HESA is a fully …
Combining remote sensing techniques and field surveys for post-earthquake reconnaissance missions
Remote reconnaissance missions are promising solutions for the assessment of earthquake-
induced structural damage and cascading geological hazards. Space-borne remote sensing …
induced structural damage and cascading geological hazards. Space-borne remote sensing …
[HTML][HTML] Generating landslide density heatmaps for rapid detection using open-access satellite radar data in Google Earth Engine
Rapid detection of landslides is critical for emergency response, disaster mitigation, and
improving our understanding of landslide dynamics. Satellite-based synthetic aperture radar …
improving our understanding of landslide dynamics. Satellite-based synthetic aperture radar …
Detecting coseismic landslides in GEE using machine learning algorithms on combined optical and radar imagery
Landslides, resulting from disturbances in slope equilibrium, pose a significant threat to
landscapes, infrastructure, and human life. Triggered by factors such as intense …
landscapes, infrastructure, and human life. Triggered by factors such as intense …
Evaluation of factors controlling the spatial and size distributions of landslides, 2021 Nippes earthquake, Haiti
Abstract On 14 August 2021, a Mw 7.2 earthquake struck the Tiburon Peninsula, Haiti, with
an epicenter at 18.434° N, 73.482° W and a focal depth of approximately 10 km. Combining …
an epicenter at 18.434° N, 73.482° W and a focal depth of approximately 10 km. Combining …
Lessons for remote post-earthquake reconnaissance from the 14 August 2021 Haiti earthquake
On 14th August 2021, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the Tiburon Peninsula in the
Caribbean nation of Haiti, approximately 150 km west of the capital Port-au-Prince …
Caribbean nation of Haiti, approximately 150 km west of the capital Port-au-Prince …
[HTML][HTML] Width of surface rupture zone for thrust earthquakes: implications for earthquake fault zoning
The criteria for zoning the surface fault rupture hazard (SFRH) along thrust faults are defined
by analysing the characteristics of the areas of coseismic surface faulting in thrust …
by analysing the characteristics of the areas of coseismic surface faulting in thrust …
Learnings from rapid response efforts to remotely detect landslides triggered by the August 2021 Nippes earthquake and Tropical Storm Grace in Haiti
Abstract On August 14, 2021, a Mw 7.2 earthquake struck the Tiburon Peninsula of western
Haiti triggering thousands of landslides. Three days after the earthquake on August 17 …
Haiti triggering thousands of landslides. Three days after the earthquake on August 17 …