[HTML][HTML] A review of robots, perception, and tasks in precision agriculture
This review reports the recent state of the art in the field of mobile robots applied to precision
agriculture. After a brief introduction to precision agriculture, the review focuses on two main …
agriculture. After a brief introduction to precision agriculture, the review focuses on two main …
Application of light detection and ranging and ultrasonic sensors to high-throughput phenoty** and precision horticulture: current status and challenges
Ultrasonic and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensors have been some of the most
deeply investigated sensing technologies within the scope of digital horticulture. They can …
deeply investigated sensing technologies within the scope of digital horticulture. They can …
In-field high throughput grapevine phenoty** with a consumer-grade depth camera
Plant phenoty**, that is, the quantitative assessment of plant traits including growth,
morphology, physiology, and yield, is a critical aspect towards efficient and effective crop …
morphology, physiology, and yield, is a critical aspect towards efficient and effective crop …
Smart tree crop sprayer utilizing sensor fusion and artificial intelligence
Delivering the appropriate amount of chemicals for each plant based on their needs is
essential for reducing costs, waste, and labor. Smart agricultural machinery can provide …
essential for reducing costs, waste, and labor. Smart agricultural machinery can provide …
A survey of ranging and imaging techniques for precision agriculture phenoty**
Agricultural production must double by 2050 in order to meet the expected food demand due
to population growth. Precision agriculture is the key to improve productivity and efficiency in …
to population growth. Precision agriculture is the key to improve productivity and efficiency in …
Development of a LiDAR-guided section-based tree canopy density measurement system for precision spray applications
An unmanned ground-based canopy density measurement system to support precision
spraying in apple orchards was developed to precisely apply pesticides to orchard …
spraying in apple orchards was developed to precisely apply pesticides to orchard …
Mobile terrestrial laser scanner applications in precision fruticulture/horticulture and tools to extract information from canopy point clouds
LiDAR sensors are widely used in many areas and, in recent years, that includes agricultural
tasks. In this work, a self-developed mobile terrestrial laser scanner based on a 2D light …
tasks. In this work, a self-developed mobile terrestrial laser scanner based on a 2D light …
In-field high-throughput phenoty** of cotton plant height using LiDAR
A LiDAR-based high-throughput phenoty** (HTP) system was developed for cotton plant
phenoty** in the field. The HTP system consists of a 2D LiDAR and an RTK-GPS mounted …
phenoty** in the field. The HTP system consists of a 2D LiDAR and an RTK-GPS mounted …
A pattern recognition strategy for visual grape bunch detection in vineyards
Automating grapevine growth monitoring, spraying, leaf thinning and harvesting tasks, as
well as improving yield estimation and plant phenoty**, requires reliable methods for …
well as improving yield estimation and plant phenoty**, requires reliable methods for …
High resolution 3D terrestrial LiDAR for cotton plant main stalk and node detection
Dense three-dimensional point clouds provide opportunities to retrieve detailed
characteristics of plant organ-level phenotypic traits, which are helpful to better understand …
characteristics of plant organ-level phenotypic traits, which are helpful to better understand …